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17 Feb 2018   [#399]
- Anti-shell. Instead of shelling out a part, be able to unshell it, essentially making the interior of a part a solid.
- An easier stl import flow. I realize from my earlier posting on the subject that stl import isn't directly supported, but there seem to be workarounds, nothing perfect, but doable (like going through the nodeditor, which I still can't understand or make work, dummy me). I'd love to see something like this incorporated into the next version.
- Parametric MOI!
From: Michael Gibson
17 Feb 2018   [#400]
Hi Cemortan_Tudor, and Bob - these are pretty different kinds of things than what MoI is really focused on doing.

@Cemortan_Tudor - Reverse engineering really needs a specialized toolset to do it well. It's a broad area of work that MoI is just not focused on.

@ Bob -
re: anti-shell, could you post an example?
re: An easier stl import flow - as I mentioned in that other thread, STL files contain triangle mesh geometry, it's a very different type of geometry than the NURBS surface geometry that MoI is focused on working with for modeling. It's also a broad area of work that is pretty different than what MoI is focused on right now.

- Michael
From: pixelplucker (KAC)
19 Feb 2018   [#401]
Any chance of adding a angle tool under deformations? If you could simply pick faces then pick the axis to taper from this would really be helpful for making master patterns for casting or models for injection molding.

Right now we are limited to the basic draft from the extrusion tool which is handy for text models but limited to base curves. Often I have models that require more than just a simple extrusion where drafts need to be put in place or modified after creation of the part as features are added. I usually end up extracting curves, offsetting them and lofting them back to create my solids which can be horribly tedious especially when you know the customer is going to make a change for the sake of changing...
From: Michael Gibson
20 Feb 2018   [#402] In reply to [#401]
Hi KAC - do you have an example you could post? It can be difficult for a deformation to process just some faces and not others.

- Michael
From: Rick
20 Feb 2018   [#403]
My wish list for MOI4, in random order:
Extend with cursor, without the need for a feature to extend to.
’Snap To…’ - I often want to snap to something that is buried in a blizzard of possible targets- I end up isolating and hiding, but I wish I could just specify ‘snap to the center of this circle’.
‘Look At’ - a feature in other software that lets you select a planar surface and the view orients to it and changes the construction plane to it- I used it all the time, very useful.
An annotation text box where I could keep track of changes I made, things that need to be done, etc.
I’d like to be able to save a high resolution bitmap without shading- my end product is 2d technical drawings that I color with other software- black line art would be great, without going through the gruesome AI file cleanup.
And finally, for now, SVG output. The AI files are a mess- I spend hours trimming/extending/deleting duplicates/etc. Rather than try to improve the accuracy of AI files, a proprietary format owned by a company I don’t really admire, SVG might be a better choice.
I, of course, have no clue about what’s involved in coding these changes- just things that would make MOI better for me.
From: pixelplucker (KAC)
20 Feb 2018   [#404]
I can email a sample model I hand constructed, was a logo that had to go on a pipe that was sand cast. Logo is arched but drafts had to be all perpendicular to the part line.
From: Cemortan_Tudor
22 Feb 2018   [#405] In reply to [#403]
Look at - try cPlane - orient to all views
Snap to might be scriptable - just for centers of objects
I have a lot of time mess in my scene with snaps options, if scene grows dramaticly -> i have to open several Moi windows to do small stuffs in other windows, keep all tangecy that i need there & one for collecting with few snaps/low mesh angle detail
a saving way for ai I see making a 4k-8k res render of view ( with hight contrast lines ) & trace in ai, manually shade surface inside Ai
From: Cemortan_Tudor
22 Feb 2018   [#406] In reply to [#400]
when u say reverse engineering - the only thought is hacking that software ! nope ! i wanted a object view inside moi !
obj mesh -> moi
head -> headphones, microphone, gas masc, helm , gear, etc etc - to match shape
table -> ornaments !
old 60'th phone -> ornaments ! details
scanned mesh -> moi
roentgen, room, nature -> objects construct objects inside
From: Rick
22 Feb 2018   [#407] In reply to [#405]
Thanks, cPlane is usually a trial and error process- my wish is that a selected planar surface could become the cPlane.
Tracing a bitmap in Illustrator is a lot of work with files that have thousands of curves- editing a Make2D image is the best solution I've found, but still a very long process.
From: OSTexo
22 Feb 2018   [#408]

I use MoI for technical illustration as well. You might want to check out the tools from Astute Graphics to extend paths, clean up vectors etc.. That's not to say Moi wouldn't benefit from curve and surface extension features, just a suggestion on what you might use to get by in the meantime.

Message 6925.409 was deleted

From: Cemortan_Tudor
22 Feb 2018   [#410] In reply to [#407]
"my wish is that a selected planar surface could become the cPlane"
cPlane is scriptable
From: mkdm
3 Apr 2018   [#411]
Hello Michael!

How are you ? I hope fine :)

I imagine that you're working hard for the next V4 beta builds, and actually I only would like to know what is the situation about the three fundamental "bricks" we talked about when V4 was announced :

1) 64Bit and Mac OS native : DONE

2) Instancing : missing

3) Grouping : missing

If I remember correctly these were the "foundation" for V4.

Thanks a lot and have a nice day.
From: Michael Gibson
3 Apr 2018   [#412] In reply to [#411]
Hi Marco, sorry no progress yet on #2 and #3, and actually some priorities are shifting a bit, I'm probably going to work on dimensioning as a higher priority than those.

I think I am getting quite close to having V4 fully production ready without any regressions from V3, that's the fundamental step that I have wanted to get really nailed down first before digging in to large new feature areas.

- Michael
From: mkdm
3 Apr 2018   [#413] In reply to [#412]
Hi Michael.

@You : "...I'm probably going to work on dimensioning as a higher priority than those."
Ok. I understand.
But I only hope that you can soon put your hands on "Instancing" and "Grouping" because are two very important and long awaited features.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the reply and have a nice day ;)
From: pauland
3 Apr 2018   [#414] In reply to [#253]
"I don't see any information there about how instances are stored in a LWO file which is what I would need."

I believe LW instancing is in the scene file and not in the object itself. Instances are represented through nulls that are associated with the object clones, I believe.
From: Michael Gibson
3 Apr 2018   [#415] In reply to [#414]
Hi Paul, unfortunately the LightWave scene file format does not seem to be documented as fully as the object format.

I wasn't able to find any mention of clones or instancing in there.

- Michael
From: pauland
4 Apr 2018   [#416] In reply to [#415]

You're right. Newtek isn't great about stuff like that.

You're probably aware that Lightwave 3D is essentially two distinct programs - modeller and layout.

In Modeller you create objects and in layout you create scenes using those objects.

The instances in LW aren't cloning the point data for objects, they are taking an object as a pattern and laying out nulls in the scene that are replaced during render time with the point and surface data associated with the template object. It's essentially collapsing the scene file size and reducing the render overhead by only instantiating objects where the instance is part of the visible scene.

As a lapsed LWer (my version of LW pre-dates instancing) I wouldn't expect MOI3D to be building instances in the LW sense. Instances don't exist in the object sense, only essentially as markers in a scene for object replication at render time.

[edit: Also I'm not even sure that you can merge LW scenes, so even a template scene with the correct LW style instances may be of little use in practical terms. ]

From: Unknown user
10 Apr 2018   [#417]
Hi, Michael.
I have such question, it is possible to write the script that it was possible to change places the beginning and the end at open curves, such as: lines, arcs, NURBS?
From: Michael Gibson
10 Apr 2018   [#418] In reply to [#417]
Hi Vladimir, yes you can use the Flip command in MoI to do that:

- Michael

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