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From: AlexPolo
2 Mar 2017   [#194] In reply to [#193]
That would be great - what about just exporting to the directory the parent file is in. Would it be possible if you had a large assembly with multiple objects selected to be exported as seperate files in their respective names?

thanks again.
From: Michael Gibson
2 Mar 2017   [#195] In reply to [#194]
Hi Alex, could you give some more detail on what you mean by the parent file? Do you mean something like a STEP file that you imported into MoI (which would be difficult since that filename is not stored anywhere currently), or do you mean a 3DM file that you have opened?

> Would it be possible if you had a large assembly with multiple objects selected to be
> exported as seperate files in their respective names?

Do you mean you would want the file export dialog to pop up for every named object with that name as the default, or do you mean it would just do the export without bringing up any file dialogs at all?

- Michael
From: AlexPolo
2 Mar 2017   [#196]
Hi Michael,

Here is a typical file that I work with an Assembly which I used to build in SOLIDWORKS and now I put these together in MOI in much quicker time design and part creation. The parts contained get output as STEPs. The tube work goes to tube laser cutters and they use STP and the sheetmetal goes to the sheetmetal guys and they use STP also.

I currently export out each part individually and name as I go. I usually create a PARTs folder in the same folder that the master assembly 3dm file sits in. From there I email the supplier the parts they require. I also use the cutlist script to create a BOM Bill of Materials but I guess as you get closer to V4 and file instances become possible It maybe better handled then to get a list of files contained and how many times they have been used. Currently the CUTLIST script does OK job but sometimes gets confused with duplicate same name parts.

MOI maybe small and nimble but it packs a punch in CAD arena I work with other SOLIDWORKS guys and they cant work how I detail projects so quickly and have to say its due to MOI - I can conceptualise and problem solve at a very fast rate.

Many thanks


4 Mar 2017   [#197]
Wish list: Tool Tips!


Image Attachments:
ModGui8.png  SidePaneToolTip.png 

From: chippwalters
4 Mar 2017   [#198]

Just a request to KEEP the export to SketchUp you currently have. It's a life saver and pretty much impossible to duplicates without extreme effort if importing the same OBJ into SU.

I'm working on several VR workshop gigs as well as working with China on a Design and Innovation Center where I will be teaching much of the VR pipeline I'm currently building. MoI is a key part of it as it's super NURBS -> SU is a key component and would hate to lose it in case you were thinking it's outdated. Thanks for putting it in!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Mar 2017   [#199] In reply to [#198]
or keep name for have different versions of SU Export! ;)
Export_SU8 (?) (I don't remember exactly what was the last format of Su export by Michael !
export_SU2015 general have a low version is better for a more large audience! ;)
SU V6 format is enough for quasi all things! ;)
From: Michael Gibson
4 Mar 2017   [#200] In reply to [#196]
Hi Alex, please try the attached script for your named file exports. Instructions for installing a plug-in command script here.

To use it, select your named objects then run that command. It will write out a separate .stp file for each group of named objects.

Hope that's what you were looking for!

- Michael


From: Michael Gibson
4 Mar 2017   [#201] In reply to [#198]
Hi Chipp, I'm glad the SketchUp exporter is useful for you!

MoI v4 will still have it, using an updated .skp library that will write SketchUp 2016 .skp files now I think. There's also a change so that each MoI object will be written as a separate group object in SketchUp so that 2 objects touching each other won't merge vertices together as will happen currently. You'll be able to turn it back to not making groups too if you want.

I was able to get updated libraries for all import/export formats that MoI uses so none will be missing for v4.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Mar 2017   [#202]
@Chipp despite the description of Michael in case of transformation of the actual SU format don't work for you...
you have a very simple solution : keep the V3 Moi3D in a corner of your computer! :)
5 Mar 2017   [#203]
That's right Frenchy, mine's sitting over there next to the pop machine.
From: AlexPolo
5 Mar 2017   [#204] In reply to [#200]
HI Michael,

Great script it works very well just added another arrow to the MOI toolkit.

Thanks again for the custom tailoring of solutions to improve workflows.

All the best
From: chippwalters
15 Mar 2017   [#205] In reply to [#201]
Thanks, Michael. Sounds great and look forward to testing it out! Yes, Monsieur Pilou, I will be also keeping MoIV3 :-)
From: thesixtyeight
15 Mar 2017   [#206]

a few things into wishlist(I didnt read all the thread, even tho im sure these been discussed before):
-a move/scale/rotate tool would be cool, so you could do all these operations on edges or faces. Not sure if thats somewhat possible since moi doesnt count with model history...
-more reliable fillet/chamfer tools, this is something I really miss from programs like SpaceClaim or Fusion360
-sometimes Moi leaves quite a bit of unnecesarry splits on the edges, not sure if thats something that could be improved or not.

Also a small question: can I use moi licence on two PCs NOT simultaneously? I have licence on my company´s PC but would like to do some work at home too.
From: Michael Gibson
15 Mar 2017   [#207] In reply to [#206]
Hi thesixtyeight, the next time you run into the "unnecessary split edge" problem can you try to e-mail me the file so I can collect some cases to look at? One thing to note though is if you have segmentation in your curves you are using to generate things from by say extrude or revolve, it's normal for that to make the same segmented structure in the generated solid or surface.

> Also a small question: can I use moi licence on two PCs NOT simultaneously? I have licence
> on my company´s PC but would like to do some work at home too.

You can have the same license simultaneously installed on as many machines as you need, just as long as it's only actively launched and running on one of those installs at a time. So yes it's no problem for you to have it installed both at work and at home. You don't need to do anything special to set that up, just use the same license key and installer on each machine. If you need a new download of the installer you can get that here:

You would only need an additional license for a separate machine if you wanted some other person to be using it there the same time as you.

- Michael
15 Mar 2017   [#208]
What do \you\ think Moi3d has over SpaceClaim?

I'm curious what are your preferences for Moi3d/ thank you -

IMO - Seems like a troubled company, overpriced software (3000 USD) and low level surfacing tools in SpaceClaim are the main issues I googled, however, the 10 compelling reasons to buy SpaceClaim - I believe - would be where Michael focus's on strengthening those 10 (reasons) seen in the youTube clip for SpaceClaim - Moi3d v4 - those 10 features look arguably terribly useful - and would make Moi3d an incomparable bargain in the marketplace, yes or no?

I'd love to see those 10 tools in Moi3d! Oh! Yeah!

Nevertheless, I like the way \my\ MODDED OUT VERSION of MOI is LOADED with every node, hotkey, script, command, lighting option, custom icon & png made by the inmates of this asylum, making my copy the most attractive, easy on the eyes software ever!

IMO now I have the best tool to experiment - better than a #2 pencil and paper! ha-ha!
Marmaduke Lambert

Image Attachments:

From: thesixtyeight
16 Mar 2017   [#209]
@Michael Gibson:
sure, I will send you some examples as soon as I get home.

I think the biggest advantage over any other CAD software is its simplicity and speed. Its very straightforward and supereasy to learn.
From the video I think the most useful would be No.9, i.e. move/scale/rotate tool for line segments and "vertexes"

Also one major (to me)thing for the wishlist:
-loop selection by doubleclicking the edge so you can select whole loop and apply fillet instead of clicking every single curve segment

Few minor things:
-Perhaps this can be done with simple script but while holding shift, the straight snap would be automatically turned on; and turned off when shift is released
-when selecting multiple objects/lines, you would need to hold CTRL and click and removing already selected object/line would be done by holding ALT
-Sometimes its a bit annoying that when you are doing booleans , sometimes you get automatically activated some type of boolean and sometimes its not activated .
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Mar 2017   [#210] In reply to [#209]
<< -loop selection by doubleclicking the edge so you can select whole loop and apply fillet instead of clicking every single curve segment

You have yet loop Selection! ;)
script:/*Loop selection*/moi.geometryDatabase.selectLoop();

From: Michael Gibson
16 Mar 2017   [#211] In reply to [#209]
Hi thesixtyeight,

> Also one major (to me)thing for the wishlist:
> -loop selection by doubleclicking the edge so you can select whole loop and
> apply fillet instead of clicking every single curve segment

For the edge select loop see here for some demos on how to use it:

> Few minor things:
> -Perhaps this can be done with simple script but while holding shift, the straight snap would
> be automatically turned on; and turned off when shift is released

The way it works right now is that holding Shift increases the "strength" of straight snap, meaning if you have straight snap enabled if you hold shift it will engage the straight snap no matter how far away your cursor is from the snap line instead of the regular way where it engages if you are close to it.

I guess I don't see any reason why it shouldn't also be used to temporarily enable straight snap if it's currently off as well. If you can remind about this when v4 betas are underway I should be able to do it then.

> -when selecting multiple objects/lines, you would need to hold CTRL and click and removing already
> selected object/line would be done by holding ALT

Right now you don't need to hold down any key to select multiple objects, but do you mean you wished that it did need to hold down a key?

A lot of other programs use Shift for this, what programs are you using that use Ctrl and Alt ?

> -Sometimes its a bit annoying that when you are doing booleans , sometimes you get
> automatically activated some type of boolean and sometimes its not activated .

That's normal behavior with the Boolean Union command - when you open up the "Boolean" command set, boolean union will not run automatically because it doesn't have any stages to it, it just processes things and immediately finishes. So running it automatically when the boolean command set opens is not good because you wouldn't have a chance to switch to one of the other boolean commands instead.

- Michael
16 Mar 2017   [#212]

You can put the following scripts as a keyboard shortcuts. To define them, open Option dialog window, go to Shortcut keys section, push the "Add" button there which will insert a new blank shortcut key; click in the "Key" column and add the key you want to use to activate it, like "H" for example; then click in the "Command" column and paste in the script line _or_ open the moi.ini file (C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini) and edit directly the [Shortcut Keys] section. Just assign some key (e.g. K, Space) or key combinations (e.g. Ctrl+U, Alt+E) or function key (e.g. F5). The code for shortcut should be one long single line. Simple shortcuts can be found in moi_hotkey.txt file.

Note: for keyboard shortcus (*Spelling error*) that have script code in them, you can put a comment in the code with a note in it. You put in a text surrounded by /* */ , just after the script: part – see MoI forum for example.

See illustration: I added the shortcut key, then to recreate the selection process:

1. Select FILLET
2. Select 2 curves on the object
3. Shortcut key: Ctrl+L

Looks easy! Nothing happens! Shouldn't it select all the curves to fillet?

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
16 Mar 2017   [#213] In reply to [#212]
Hi Ced, for a case like you show there a better way is to select the top face and then run the Fillet command. When Fillet is given a face as input it will target all the edges of that face.

For the loop selection, is it possible you have some tiny unselected edge in between those 2 you have selected? You need to have 2 consecutive edges selected for it to work. Either that or do you maybe have a standalone curve object selected there instead of edge sub-objects?

If you can post the 3DM file you show there I could probably give you some better information.

- Michael

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