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Full Version: Car modeling question how to fix items and move forward

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From: BurrMan
3 Apr   [#22] In reply to [#1]
Hi Metadem,

""""""""""and if I understand how to fix these I can probably finish it.
On the pic with the red arrow above the front wheel there is an open seam that I do not know how to fix."""""""""""

Here you go....

""""""but there is allot to fix"""""""""""

YES! I dont want to harp though. You may have this under control and just asked how to fix the gap.

"""""""""I watched the Keugmeister swagger video's on youtube many,many, many times....and if I understand it correctly
you create network, loft patches, do the Iso on the surface, reconstruct curve to polylines, loft straight and then subd.""""""""

Well, sort of. I have watched a bit of his videos. it is really a "combination" of those things you mentioned, AND back and forth. He actually does a process of creating surfaces to allow him to create geometry from those surfaces to create surfaces, which allows him to create geometry he needs to create a surface. This can be interwoven. It's not just 1, 2, 3 surface. But the end surface he is looking to create is the final NURBS. It is always a "Means to an end"... Not a set process.
From: Matadem
3 Apr   [#23]
Burrman ...Thank you for taking the time to make the video! Allot of great tips!!!!

This will certainly help me out with all the weird mistakes I am doing :D

Question here... would with the Plasticity with xnurbs modeling would be faster and easier to model a car instead of blender?

From: PaQ
3 Apr   [#24] In reply to [#23]

Cars modelling is a challenging topic whatever the method you pick.

Maybe the advantage with Blender is that you might find a complete tutorial to go along that will teach you all the steps. That said most of those tutorial as considered "advanced" and probably assume you have basic knowledge with Blender navigation and subdivision modelling in general. If it's you first step I would probably try to find an easier subject, like a mouse, any kind of relative 'smooth / curved" object.

If you want to stay in the Nurbs land, you probably may need to check one of those tutorial made for Rhino ... and solve all the missing functions by finding workaround. For the initial curves sketching there is nothing as easy as MoI imho (but even for that step some tutorial will also show advance feature like curve deviation analysis). Patching/surfacing those curves require however a lot of work and experience. That's probably where Xnurbs can help a lot, as it's so permissive while producing really pleasant surfaces with good continuity.

If you are more in the conceptual design without really precise blue print, you might wanna try an hybrid approach, by designing the initial rough shape using subdivision modelling, convert that cage mesh into Nurbs using MoI Sub-D import and finish the details / trimming / and all that jazz in MoI. But even with that method you need to get some experience with subdivision modeling, edge loop (support), topology ... so again starting with simpler model is a first step before poly "knitting" a complete car body.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr   [#25] In reply to [#23]
Take a look at the Gallery to Macgreggor cars! (some pages ! )
He uses only Moi3D <----> C4D

We can't say that is not sweet cars! :)

A little tut is here... but in French but very visual! (you can use the translate site by Google) (a must)

All cars following from the Gallery are in big size!!!

From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
4 Apr   [#26] In reply to [#25]
Hi Pilou :)

Please correct where highlighted from Piago to Piaggio ;)
Piaggio is the name of the company created "Vespa" and also the second name of the family founders
The model 400 was projected in Italy and producted in France at Fourchambault,in late 50's

Image Attachments:

From: Yannis
4 Apr   [#27] In reply to [#23]
>Question here... would with the Plasticity with xnurbs modeling would be faster and easier to model a car instead of blender?

When comes to Xnurbs As the song goes, Don’t Believe the Hype. If you are already own plasticity I'm sure you will find situations that it could come handy.
I'm not familiar with plasticity´s implementation of Xnurbs but as a rhino plug-in has not been received well, here is an example.

ps. Don't give me wrong I'm not trying to bash the developer or his tool but one thing is for sure it's not something on steroids as the Youtubers advertise it.
If I could give an advice is to understand the fundamental of surfacing no matter what software you choose to use. I think you're gonna get a lot out of this series.

From: PaQ
4 Apr   [#28] In reply to [#27]

I had my doubt too after reading that strange Rhino topic, but in practice, for my needs, Xnurbs is a perfect match.
I don't work in the aeronautic industry, or car industry, the tool I use (Moi / Plasti) doesn't even have any sort of surface analysis (except relying on the shader).

So basically I'm completely illiterate when it comes to surfacing, and I have really little interest into learning it actually. I don't want to spend more that 2 sec of setup time to close a surface while keeping G2 (hell even G1 is fine for me most of the time :P). I ofc understand the underlying surface result might look like heresy for the purist, I personally just don't care, as long as it renders fine, or bake fine (game asset).

I must say I'm the kind of customer Xnurbs dev really don't want to deal with, as they seems over picky about who is using their tools, and want only educated customers that would use it "correctly" :O) ... I'm really happy Plasti manage to incorporate it anyway !
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr   [#29] In reply to [#26]
Done and sorry for the typing error!

PS Added some little things! ;)
4 Apr   [#30] In reply to [#25]
Wow, that is one gorgeous Triumph Tr3 car model.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr   [#31]
Else this guy for car design : Vizcom specialist and car design Blender...

Message 11328.32 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Apr   [#33]
Amazing how a simple whatever volume (moi fbx) imported can be transformed!
And funny how Automotive Exterior makes ghost forms from a white background!
Render then Refine 50 % Prompt : concept car

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