How to wrap text around the face of a cone?

 From:  Michael Gibson
8677.2 In reply to 8677.1 
Hi Sculpy, you can use the Transform > Deform > Flow command to warp objects from one base surface to another. So for text on a cone, you'd make the text first and then make a plane surface (Draw solid > Plane) to put underneath it to act as the base surface, the cone is the target surface. Before you run the Flow command you'd select the objects to deform first (so the text, not the plane underneath yet), then run Flow. It will ask you to select a base curve or surface - now you select the plane under your text as the base surface, then it will ask you to select the target surface and that's when you select the cone. One thing to watch out for is the spots you click on each surface is significant the orientation of what edges map to each other is controlled by that. There are some more details in the help file here:

- Michael