Script request

 From:  Michael Gibson
8230.5 In reply to 8230.3 
Hi Oliver, please try the attached script. There are instructions for installing a plug-in script here. This script only has a .js file, no .htm since it does not show any UI.

You will need to edit the script to alter the directory name, it's near the top. Also there's a note in there on how to set an option in moi.ini for how to turn off script file caching, if you don't do that you'd need to exit MoI every time you edited the script since by default they're cached in memory and not reloaded.

To adjust the meshing parameters you'll need to alter the second parameter that's sent to moi.geometryDatabase.fileExport() , like to make it use an angle of 10, edit that line to be:
moi.geometryDatabase.fileExport( filename, 'NoUI=true;Angle=12.0' );

If you remove the NoUI=true part then the meshing options dialog will be displayed.

Hope that does what you were looking for!

- Michael