My solution for filleting problems

 From:  chippwalters
7358.21 In reply to 7358.19 

Yes, I understand where you're coming from. Assessing risk is critical

On another note, the sad fact is just about all of our personal data ends up in the cloud. Our credit card receipts and information, our tax information, our health records, our phone and email and text all ends up there sooner or later.

Nowadays, with all the social hacking, even though one's account may not be compromised, someone you know may be. Apple is about as paranoid as they come, still their iCloud was hacked a few times and personal selfies belonging to famous people were posted. I suppose there's a way to NOT be connected, but not if you're a participating digital member of society.

While CAD files are certainly of high IP value, I would suggest some SAS companies source code may be even more valuable. And of course many times that assessment must be made, and sometimes the choice is to store it in the cloud-- sometimes not. I know of a company who had all their data stored locally with off-site backups once per month (ouch!). Eventually (of course), the were robbed and the thieves took all the servers. Took weeks to get back to business as usual, not to mention how they had to explain to their customers. So, I guess nothing is completely secure-- just varying degrees of it.

Thanks for you point of view.