Fillet issue

 From:  Michael Gibson
6019.11 In reply to 6019.10 
> How does one use the MarkCurveStart plugin?

You have to unzip the attachment from this post here: and copy the unzipped files into MoI's commands folder.

On Windows the commands folder is located inside of MoI's main installation folder, like: c:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0 beta Mar-17-2013\commands . On OSX you need to right-click the MoI app and choose "Show package contents" and inside there go to drive_c/moi/commands .

Once the files are copied over, that will then make a new command named MarkCurveStart available. To trigger the command you can either push Tab and then type in MarkCurveStart and push enter, or you can set up a shortcut key under Options > Shortcut keys, and put in MarkCurveStart as the command to be triggered by that shortcut key.

Then the way that particular command works is to select a curve before you run it, and when you run it, it will generate a point object at the start point of those selected curves.

- Michael