V2 beta Dec-19-2009 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
3179.16 In reply to 3179.15 
Hi David,

> Definitively, I can´t understand how works the Flat parameters
> in the Sweep command.
> Any tips, expamples, explanation...?

Well, first of all there is a bug where the "Set flat direction" can show up with 2-rail sweep when it is not supposed to, it only applies to 1-rail sweeping. So ignore it for now if you see it when doing 2-rail sweeping.

With 1-rail sweeping there has always been (since v1) the option to set the Twist parameter, which controls how the profiles rotate as they travel along the rail path.

That's actually covered in the regular help file entry for sweep here:

When you set "Twist: Flat", the profiles will only rotate around the world z axis direction and not "bank" left or right around the rail tangent unlike "Twist: Freeform".

The new "Set flat direction" button allows you to pick 2 points to define the rotation axis direction, previously this was fixed to the world z axis but now you can adjust it to suit something like a helix that is not aligned to world z but is pointing in some other direction.

> How can I use the ArrayGem command?

You have to set up a keyboard shortcut with ArrayGem as the command part of the shortcut in order to launch it, there is not any toolbar button for it yet.

> I´m sure that it´s a mistake from me, because I´m used
> to draw in AutoCAD and his layer managements, but.....how
> can I change a Style for define it like a default Style?

Do you mean that you want to set something like the "Current layer" in AutoCAD? I mean set which layer is applied to newly drawn objects?

For that you set the "Active Style" in MoI - go to the Styles section in the Scene Browser, and Right-click on the color swatch for the style you want to make active. It will get marked with a ring around the outside of its color swatch. After that newly drawn objects will use that style.

> I can´t see the images in Firefox.

You mean here in the forum?

Hmm, you might try clearing cookies - in FireFox this is under Tools > Clear Private Data.

Also try using the following link which will clear out cookies specific to the forum and may help to reset your login session:

- Michael