Numeric Input

 From:  Michael Gibson
3289.4 In reply to 3289.3 
Hi NightCabbage,

> I think that's mainly just a problem with my mindset
> that I'll need to change :)

Yeah, it's a bit different from what polygon programs tend to do.

Really any generic object does not really have just a single "position" point to it, usually objects are made up of a lot of different points.

Some polygon programs add in a kind of arbitrary "local axis center point" or something like that, but MoI does not use that - instead things like the Move command ask you for that reference point and you can pick it wherever you need right at that moment, as the base point from where to move.

That helps you to precisely reference which spot on the object you want to relocated, rather than it just being based off of some kind of arbitrary "center-ish" point.

> But I'm not sure what the best place is to find all the commands?

All the commands are listed in the help file here:

Show/hide grid is done from a dialog box so it isn't quite the same thing as what is referred to as a "command" in MoI (like it doesn't have its own UI that shows up in the upper right command options area), but it can be set up on a shortcut key by putting in the following:

script:moi.grid.display = !moi.grid.display;

> Another question - if I create a rectangle, and I want it to be
> a surface - I'm not sure what to do, as network doesn't work...

The easiest way is to use one of the "Plane" commands rather than the Rectangle command - the Plane command makes a surface right from the start.

It's located in here under Draw solid:

I'd recommend spending just a few minutes browsing through those different palettes to get an idea of what commands are available in there.

re: Network - Network requires a grid of individual curves. When you create a rectangle, it is a single curve made up of 4 segments. If you use Edit/Separate to break it into 4 individual curves, those 4 curves would then work for Network.

But also if you have a planar curve rather than using Network, there is a special Construct > Planar command that can be used to build a trimmed plane surface out of any planar curve that you have selected.

- Michael

