editing geometry

 From:  Michael Gibson
1337.2 In reply to 1337.1 
Hi shroomer, it is not especially easy to make those kinds of edits, you can't just drag edges around like in a poly modeler. See this FAQ post for some explanation on how the structure of MoI's models is different from a poly model.

Right now MoI is more focused on making it possible to draw what you want in the precise spot you need right from the beginning instead of squishing things around later on.

But in the future I do expect to improve the history function to make it easier to do these kinds of edits.

It is possible though, here is a tutorial that shows how you can detach different surfaces in a model and relocate them to a different area: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=446.17 - that covers fixing up a boolean that was placed in the wrong spot.

If you have a pretty simple hole, then the easiest way is to erase the hole and then do your edits on the main object, then cut the hole again in your new location. I'll try to post some examples a bit later on today.

There are a couple of other techniques that can work in different situations - sometimes extracting the edge curves (by selecting them, then copy/paste), editing edge curves and rebuilding surfaces is the way to go, other times if things are set up well for it, you can use Edit/Separate to break a solid down into individual surfaces, then turn on control points for the surfaces and manipulate them, then re-join.

If you need to do a lot of these kinds of edits, a "parametric solid modeling" program like SolidWorks or Alibre would probably suit you better than MoI - they are focused a lot on doing these kinds of changes.

- Michael