Sketchup exchange

 From:  Michael Gibson
1244.64 In reply to 1244.62 
Hi Sheik, thanks for deciding to get MoI, I hope you enjoy using it!

One other thing you can do for bringing in a mesh as a reference is to use this tool: which will extract out all the edges of a polygon mesh OBJ file and put them as line curves in a new .3dm file. Then that .3dm file can be loaded in to MoI and you will be able to see the wireframe of your mesh object in MoI as a reference and snapping guide.

> I can select an edge or face of a simple box, but I can’t move or rotate it
> (like I can in SketchUp). Is that difficult to implement with Nurbs?

It is much more difficult. Often times in NURBS the edges you see are "trim edges" with a larger surface underneath them, which means that the surfaces that make up your model often don't have their points aligned at the shared edge. See this FAQ answer for some more explanation and illustration.

This structure basically means that you can't pull things around by their edges (except in the case where the surfaces are actually aligned and end naturally at a common edge), but it is also the same structure that makes NURBS work much better than polygons for booleans and cutting operations. When you do repeated cuts on a NURBS object, it keeps the same underlying surface as a single big sheet and just new trim curves are calculated.

For Jell-O type squishing like Jonah mentioned the best solution currently is to take your objects into Rhino v4 and perform the squishing in there. You can move objects back and forth between MoI and Rhino quickly by doing Copy and Paste between them.

- Michael