i think the phrase that springs to mind when running MOI for the first time is OMFG

 From:  Michael Gibson
1067.3 In reply to 1067.1 
Hi Michael - Wow, I'm glad that you are liking MoI so much! :)

As Pilou mentions, the price for V1 will be $195.

I'm still in the process of finishing up the documentation, but there is one big chunk available here: http://moi3d.com/beta/moi_command_reference2.zip

There are also some pretty recent tutorial videos here:


And if you get stuck on modeling something, please post your question here in the forum! It also tends to help a lot if you can post the .3dm model file with the pieces you are working on, it is often easier to see what is going on when looking at the model rather than just a description or even a screenshot.

It's also fun to see any finished shots, or even Work-In-Progress screenshots of stuff that you are building in MoI.

Happy Modeling!

- Michael