modeling a mug & spoon

 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
Hi All..

I am playing with MoI. I try to create a 3D model of a spoon. I got some problems, please look at the image below :

Below is the mug modeled by MoI, rendered by PhotoWorks :



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 From:  Michael Gibson
945.2 In reply to 945.1 
re #1 - are those curves that come down from the circle long segments that cross each other at the bottom?

If so, then you will need to cut them up so that you have 4 smaller segments there instead of 2 longer segments. To do this, select them both and run Edit / Trim, then push Done and Done again.

Network surface needs the curves that go into it to have a kind of 2D grid arrangement. With the long crossing curves, it doesn't make for a clear 2D arrangement.

But it also looks like everything is symmetrical there - if it is then you could also use Construct / Revolve to build that instead of Network.

re #2 - there isn't any way currently to change the direction of the offset, it will always offset within the same plane of the curve.

But if you want to offset horizontally, that is the same thing as making a duplicate of the curve, so use Transform / Copy for that instead.

The mug looks nice!

Let me know if you need more information,

- Michael
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 From:  Lish (KHOLISH)
945.3 In reply to 945.2 
Dear Michael....

This is the spoon.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
945.4 In reply to 945.3 
Hi Lish, it looks like the different parts don't quite match up exactly at the pole area:

Normally it isn't necessary to make things touch exactly for Network, but it looks like things are more sensitive in this type of configuration where several things come to touch one single point. If I edit these curves to make them touch right at one point there the Network is successful.

I'll see if I can tune this up a little bit so it isn't quite as sensitive.

But actually for a bowl shape like that, Rail revolve may be a better choice. Rail revolve is kind of like regular revolve in that it takes a profile and rotates it around an axis. But you can give it a custom shape for the revolve path, so it can fit along an ellipse like you've got there.

To use rail revolve, just use one of those 4 small pieces and select it:

Then run Construct / Revolve / Rail revolve, and pick the ellipse as the rail. For the axis, pick the first point at the end of the short curve, and then the second one snapped along the z axis above it:

That will create this bowl shape (here I turned Cap ends off before finishing picking the axis):

The nice thing about rail revolve is that it uses fewer curves to create the surface - generally when you have a smaller number of curves to manage it can be a bit easier to control things.

You might want to use Network if you wanted to have something less symmetrical with more of a bulge on one side or something like that...

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
945.5 In reply to 945.3 
Hi Lish, I have tuned up Network so can take more stuff that doesn't come quite exactly to a common point like this , you can get a patch here if you want to try it:

But that separation at the tip tends to make a kind of messy resulting surface right in that point area, so I'd still recommend tuning those curves to touch more exactly, or using Rail Revolve.

Thanks for reporting the problem,

- Michael
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