Feature request
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 From:  Michael Gibson
644.3 In reply to 644.1 
Hi Qjet, thanks for the feature request!

I'm really trying to wrap up version 1.0 right now, I don't think I will have enough time to get exactly what you mentioned, but here is something you can set up in the current beta that is pretty close.

Close down MoI, and then run notepad and open up the moi.ini file in notepad. You can find the moi.ini file at this location: C:\Documents and Settings\<Your login name>\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini

Add these 2 lines under the [Shortcut Keys] section, like this (these should be just two long lines , one line for G= and one line for the H= )

[Shortcut Keys]
G=script:var da = moi.drawingAids; var grid = moi.grid; if ( da.gridSnap && grid.snapSize == 10.0 ) { grid.snapSize = 1.0; da.gridSnap = false; } else { grid.snapSize = 10.0; da.gridSnap = true; }
H=script:var da = moi.drawingAids; var grid = moi.grid; if ( da.gridSnap && grid.snapSize == 100.0 ) { grid.snapSize = 1.0; da.gridSnap = false; } else { grid.snapSize = 100.0; da.gridSnap = true; }

After you save that edited moi.ini file, the next time you run MoI, you will have 2 new keyboard shortcuts available. Typing "G" (not holding it down, just push and release it) will enable a grid snap of 10.0 units. Typing "H" will enable a grid snap of 100.0 units. You can type "G" or "H" a second time to turn the snapping off.

That's not quite exactly what you requested, but it does allow you to set up a quick 10.0 or 100.0 unit snap by using one keypress which you can turn on or off in the middle of drawing things.

> Also in the help menu, you should throw in a quick little "Key help" image
> that pops up when you click it, giving the user the run down of the shortcut keys.

I'm planning on overhauling the Options dialog, and there should be a keyboard shortcut section added to it which will let you see the current key assignments and also edit them more easily instead of needing to edit the moi.ini text file.

- Michael
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