Problems importing *.stp
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4312.19 In reply to 4312.17 
Hi Nick, well I was actually able to get the pieces unioned together in MoI (using Trim + Join method described above), so if you're just looking for a solid result of what you had that's attached above.

But yeah it's good to be kind of wary of PDF data - often times PDF files are really set up just for printing and not really as a source of 3D geometric calculations in mind.

There are quite a lot of things that can be ok for printing but bad for 3D modeling.

Also if the PDF file was generated from one of those PDF printer drivers, those tend to fragment things that were originally curves into a bunch of lines, since that is pretty common for an application to only actually send lines to a printer. So that's why you may rather often see PDFs that have have only polylines with a dense number of line segments in them rather than actual smooth curves...

- Michael


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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
4312.20 In reply to 4312.19 
Heh... I found out 123D will and does boolean them. I was selecting the parent of the paw instead of the individual blocks in the browser... Apparently it's something they are fixing. Anyway, if I select each solid piece of the paw it booleans fine. The problem however still lies with exporting to *.stp where virtually every program broke it back into individual blocks that need to be booleaned again... I've learned my lesson with pdfs.

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