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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
9581.41 In reply to 9581.40 
I'm not sure if NodeEditor should be a default part of MoI, because IMHO most of MoI users NodeEditor don't use so often and I like that such excellent tool as like NE is, can be part of MoI as an "accessories", as well as all excellent scripts that are created by all MoI community. This is a marvellous example of people cooperation across the world.

I think that to MoI users would suit first more intuitive "grouping" instead of "style way" together with some form of primitive instancing like "copy/paste with adequate orientation of changed parts with same part name". In other words if I modified one part (solid, curve), so rest of parts with same name would be modified too with their own orientation in model. It would be great to have check box: "modify rest parts" in info panel :-)

In any case I respect for amazing work on nodes from James, Karsten and other Node experts.

I would like to know if it is possible to create node which respects law of reflection of light. It means to have point/flat light source (solid) with rays (curves) as an input and curved surface - reflector (rotate conic curve) with Rho as a variable. Rays impacted of surface would be reflected to the detector (plane) in specific distance. This would be very nice educative tool. 2D would be enough :-)

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
Looking for Javascript help on a new Node. It is a graphical image node. The graphic canvas has to be loaded as a Base64 encoded string.

The attached Node Editor example uses an encoded string to load the graphic of the elephant.

The goal is to use the UI file loader to locate the picture, then convert it to Base64 image code so it can be loaded to the node.

I have learned many ways of doing it wrong....

There are several online sources to do this conversion

What I am looking for is a method in Javascript for use on the Node Editor.

Here is a test program in HTML that will convert the information to the console.
How can it be converted for the Node Editor?

<html lang="en">

function toDataURL(url, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
};'GET', url);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
toDataURL('nav_logo.png', function(dataUrl) {
console.log('RESULT:', dataUrl)



I have previously written a program in Delphi to do the same height map data collection so it is a matter of learning Javascript.

Thank you for any help.


EDITED: 2 Oct 2020 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9581.43 In reply to 9581.42 
Hi Wayne, check out Max's RasterImage script:

and also his Heightmap script which you can get from his file archive:
and the discussion thread on that one is here:

- Michael
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.44 In reply to 9581.43 
Hi Michael,

Thank you for the links. There is much to learn from all the code available. It might be a file security issue that is preventing the Base64 conversion. Looks like Max ran into the same issue four years ago. The code looks right, but nothing happens.

Thank you,
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)

Got through a couple major steps. Learned how to add an image to a node from the file UI. <No documentation to reference...>

Converted Max's height map code to the Node. Learning how to output massive data through the port. Learning Javascript...

Many things to do before a beta can be tested.


EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.46 In reply to 9581.45 

Your WIP node looks fantastic!

A couple of thoughts:

* Try low res image (say 60px x 40px)
* Also instead than connecting output to circle node, try Points/ConvertPts (Mode: CurvesU)

Let me know the result.

Keep up the good work

EDITED: 9 Dec 2019 by JFH

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.47 In reply to 9581.46 

Thank you. Max's heightmap program outputs the CurvesU and CurvesV in a line sequence while the ConvertPts component (CurvesU) outputs in XYZ-XYZ etc then draws a line back to the next XYZ step up from the far point. The CurvesV setting did not output anything.

ConvertPts might be updated to a new conponent ConvertPts2 for resequencing the points in a line order.
Unless there is an existing Node component that is being overlooked.


EDITED: 9 Dec 2019 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.48 In reply to 9581.47 

Thanks for getting back to me. Did using a low res image input reduce the output number of points?

>> Unless there is an existing Node component that is being overlooked.<<

"Points2/PointsExt" node can be used to order a single point Arrays into a sequence of discreet arrays, however it necessary to know the xLenght, yLenght & zLenght. Assuming the point output correlates with the image input, a 60px x 40px image will be xLenght = 60, yLenght = 1, zLenght = 40.

To connect pointArray output to "Points2/PointsExt" node, use "Points2/SplitPts"node as intermediary
(only x y & z outputs need be used).

If this is a bit confusing, DM your beta js file & I'll demonstrate.

Thank you for your tireless efforts

EDITED: 9 Dec 2019 by JFH

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.49 In reply to 9581.48 
James - FYI: Test program has been sent to your private mailbox.
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Message 9581.50 deleted 9 Aug 2020 by JFH

Message 9581.51 deleted 18 Dec 2019 by JFH

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems very cool !
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.53 In reply to 9581.49 

In my original proposal for ImgSampler ( I had a point array input to dictate the numArray output length, perhaps this was the wrong way around. Maybe it would be far simpler if instead the image size determined the U & V dimensions of output point array.

Ideally then the image resolution could be varied dynamically with dialled input so that a higher res image may be imported and pixelated to suit the desired point array data. There is a lot of information available for pixelating images with JS & HTML online.

Essentially, this entails reducing the image size while retaining the display size with imageSmoothing disabled.
The pxWidth & pxHeight would then be the Unum & Vnum of output pointArray.


It might be useful to also include inputs for Urange and Vrange to set the size of the output grid of points.

EDITED: 20 Dec 2019 by JFH

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.54 In reply to 9581.53 
Working on it.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does it possible to have something who gives in real time the Mouse's cursor x,y,z on the screen's work ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  James (JFH)
Offset DotScreen as desired for rasterImage output may easily be achieved with split node
and Remapper node allows for adjustment of image contrast.


EDITED: 11 Dec 2019 by JFH


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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
New ImgSampler Node release

This node uses Max's heightmap routine for converting an image to data points.

Copy the ImgSampler.js to the directory:

I would like to thanks James for helping out with testing and some fantastic node designs.

Updated. Added curves for lofting 3d surfaces from image.


EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  James (JFH)

Congrats to your latest node contribution...I was so happy to help.

ImgSampler will be very useful, not just for 3d modelling but also for 2d graphic design (eg signage:
cnc router or laser cutting).
I have been contemplating using ImgSampler for creating a Line Screen Image as per copperplate etching.
When it came to doing it, it turned out to be so simple.

So, thank you so much,

EDITED: 13 Dec 2019 by JFH

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.59 In reply to 9581.58 

This one is great. That pattern style is going on my CNC router today.

Thank you, Looking forward to another node development.

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 From:  mkdm
9581.60 In reply to 9581.57 


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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