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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.383 In reply to 9581.382 

Thank you for your hard work. You seem very skilled with the Javascript & Nodes.
I like the way that you break up Max's paragraphs of code into individual code lines. This tends to make them more comprehensible IMHO.
Is this "parsing" done by some editing software?
Notepad++ does not break down these code "paragraphs".

- Brian
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 From:  Barry-H
9581.384 In reply to 9581.382 
Thanks Mo,
much appreciated.
Would be good to add fillet and chamfer to the curves section if possible.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.385 In reply to 9581.383 
Hi Brian
>> You seem very skilled

Thanks, I wish I was. ;)

I use notepad++ with language set to JavaScript.
Maybe this helps you to format/beautify your codes:
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.386 In reply to 9581.385 
Thank you MO_TE for the JS-beautify link.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
"FilletCurve" and "ChamferCurve" nodes
Fillet/chamfer multiple curves at once.
You can choose a specific corner point to fillet or chamfer or set a pattern of 01 to fillet/chamfer curves.

How to use it?
Start nodeeditor and connect your curves to the node.
Click on the "FilletCurve" node to open the information panel.
In the "Select" dropdown menu choose the "sharp points" option.
This way you can see and choose the corner points in the scene.
When you finished picking corner points, choose the "Done" option from "Select" dropdown menu.

Also see the attached "FilletCurve_Showcase.nod" for an example.

EDITED: 27 Jan by MO_TE

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 From:  Barry-H
9581.388 In reply to 9581.387 
Hi Mo,
Excellent will give them a try.
Many thanks
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  Barry-H
9581.390 In reply to 9581.387 
Hi Mo,
quick update.
When filleting a selected object and applying the original object remains and cannot be deselected as normal (mouse click).
Perhaps keeping original is not needed.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.391 In reply to 9581.390 
Hi Barry
Thanks for the bug report.
I've fixed the lock selection bug. Try updated version.
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 From:  Barry-H
9581.392 In reply to 9581.391 
Hi Mo,
works fine many thanks.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.393 In reply to 9581.387 
In fact we must make our own schema from your example ?
(killing some nodes and save it ) that works fine...
Or there is an original somewhere ?
Or I miss something ?
(here in French for some nodes because i have French enable! :)


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.394 In reply to 9581.393 
>> In fact we must make our own schema from your example ?

I modified my main.js to have more colors. But, there should be no difference in terms of working.

>> Or there is an original somewhere ?

Actually, I was working on implementing some new features of this "litegragh" fork into the old nodeeditor. But, I haven't released it yet.

It works nice, But, I have some problems with html and css parts.
I was hoping to find someone interested/skilled to help me finish it! :)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.395 In reply to 9581.394 
THx for the infos! And alas i can't help you on these difficult domains! :( (for me)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.396 In reply to 9581.387 
RE: "FilletCurve" and "ChamferCurve" nodes

This is some impressive work. Indeed the facility for selecting vertices is such a profound contribution, that I really feel it is deserving of its own node.

As well as isolating vertices for fillet/chamfer operations, it could, for example add a trim point on a curve; and in the instance where there were coincidental end point, perform selective joining of curves; etc etc.

Also vertices could be output as points for the locating of other objects/geometry/vectors; or be the targets for operations (eg extrude to point).

Generally I am resistant to the tendency towards node library bloat, but in this case I believe that it would beneficial to take this facility for vertex selection out of your new nodes and universalise it into a dedicated node.

Either way; Brilliant work.
Keep it up.


PS Another thought: Could node have an "index" number array output as an alternative option?

EDITED: 28 Jan by JFH


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.397 In reply to 9581.396 
Hi James
Thanks for your ideas. I hadn't thought about using the corner points like this.
Although, I should think more about adding a break to curve or merging curve segments.

I was thinking about adding a new node for selecting sub-objects like edges and faces to use them in filletEdges, blend, offset, inset, extrude, n-sided, network and shell nodes.
Maybe I can add an extra "point" option to it.

One thing I'm not sure about is if is it better to write a "select sub-objects" node and rewrite other nodes above to work with it,
Or, add selection function like "filletCurves" to all of them. (I guess the first one is faster and easier!)
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.398 In reply to 9581.397 
Thanks for your reply, MO
not sure about is if is it better to write a "select sub-objects" node and rewrite other nodes above to work with it....

I like the way you're thinking!

If there was an "index" output from "select sub-objects" node, then the nodes: Construct/FilletEdges & Construct/ChamferEdges would not need to be re-written. As for Construct/Extrude etc, would they not perform analogous to Moi menu tool equivalents and accept faces as inputs?

Certainly, the ability to manipulate sub-objects rather than separate breps to discreet surfaces, curves and points and, where necessary, then rejoining; will afford greater control of resultant geometry.


EDITED: 29 Jan by JFH


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.399 In reply to 9581.398 
I think adding an index output for selected sub objects is a good idea, but, using this index output in other nodes brings a new challenge:
Some commands like fillet, chamfer, offset, blend and extrude behave differently with curves, edges and faces.
For example, I'm not sure how to distinguish an index for a node like "offset". should it behave like an edge/curve index or a face index or an objectlist index ?

I made a "Select_SubObjects" node. It has two outputs (for now). One output for edge/face sub objects, another one for extracting selected sub objects as separate objects.
It works nice with extrude and shell nodes without needing to change anything.
Also, adding a corner point output for fillet/chamfer is another good idea. Thanks :)
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.400 In reply to 9581.399 

I am looking forward to getting my hands on "Select_SubObjects" node.
Some commands like fillet, chamfer, offset, blend and extrude behave differently with curves, edges and faces.
For example, I'm not sure how to distinguish an index for a node like "offset". should it behave like an edge/curve index or a face index or an objectlist index ?

The variance of operation on sub-0bject types has already been dealt with for filleting and chamfering.
Maybe a similar approach is required for offsetting.

As you alluded to extruding behaves consistently regardless of input types,
Blending only works with edges and curves, so it may also require separate nodes or ideally separate modes within "Blend" node.

Does existing Construct2/Blend node work with your "Select_SubObjects" node?


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.401 In reply to 9581.400 
Hi James

>> Does existing Construct2/Blend node work with your "Select_SubObjects" node?

No, It needs two named edges to work and it is not easy to use either. Also, it doesn't have an option to flip curves or edges.

>> Maybe a similar approach is required for offsetting and blending.

I've made a new blend node that works with "Select_SubObject" node on edges and curves.
Also, offset node works really nice with edges, faces and curves. :)
So, there is no need to add new nodes except "blend" node.

Some new options I'll try to add:
An index input and output for "Select_SubObjects" node instead of adding it to the other nodes.
A "sharp points" mode for curves.
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 From:  Barry-H
Hi all,
Is it possible to have a text array Concat node that can be index selected and displayed in the note node.
thus giving a text display of process selected within the nod file.
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