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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.338 In reply to 9581.337 
It works with multiple surfaces. :)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.339 In reply to 9581.338 
Excellent! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.340 In reply to 9581.336 

Thanks for the "Unify Normals" option.
I didn't know that "join" and "separate" commands can unify normals

The problem with this method though, is that in forcing unification of the W component of the surfaces, the U & V components may be altered, even in cases where the faces are already aligned such as they with a polyLoft.
If you look at the image below; the magenta dots that are coincidental with the black circles are consistent with the original face alignment. Where they are shown in different locations, the new face has been rotated. Indeed the "showFrames" elements at the centre of each face are consistently aligned along blue axes, but not so with the red or green, as would be the case of the original polyLoft output.

Ideally the finding of surface normals should not alter the referent surfaces, but at the very least as a first step, I think it would be preferable to remove "Surface" output from the node, since it would be generally assumed that surface output would be the same as that input.

The other issue that the join/separate method has it that it reorders the faces, so that any regular indexing of rows and columns of faces in say a polyLoft is lost. This means though that if a user wants to address a normal vector for a particular surface, they are unfortunately not similarly indexed.

I see this problem stumped Wayne, and I'm am realising it must be very difficult. Thank you for persisting as long as you have. I would understand if you threw your arms in the air and said "Too Hard, I give up"


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.341 In reply to 9581.340 
Hi james
u-v direction is one thing that I still have a problem with it.
I couldn't find a way to force it to use one direction for "uvs".
But for your problem, I suggest to use "method 2" to generate normals.

About ordering issue all that rebuilding surface functions (network, join and separate) make new objects with new object "ids" and new ordering.
But, I managed to reorder surfaces to their original state. (Uploaded)

And about the "surface" output I thought it would be nice to see the surfaces after rebuild function,
Because all surfaces are not simple and planar, and rebuild method in this node has its limitations.
In this example you can see the surface's form has changed after performing rebuild function.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
"Extract" node update:
Changed default input/output to "numarray"
Changed "Mode" function

Added new functions :
"Swap": Replace biggest and smallest numbers
e.g. : [0,0,1,0] => [1,1,0,1] , [1,4,2,3,5] => [5,2,4,3,1]
"Duplicates": Outputs the duplicate numbers
"Make Unique": Removes the duplicate numbers (keeps one of them)
"Shuffle", "Reverse", "Sort Ascending", "Sort Descending", "Length"
"Volume", "Area", "Curve Length" (Object mode)

Address: "Basic/Extract"

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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.343 In reply to 9581.342 
Thanks MO,

I applaud your development to Basic/Extract have made it into a very useful and powerful tool, and in doing so reduced the bloat of the node library. We can now retire several nodes: Length, arraySort, FlipNumArray, stlArea, & perhaps also stlVolume.

There is an additional output from "stlVolume" node that may be incorporated in a future extended "Centroid" node (originally contributed by Brian/bemfarmer). Presently this node operates only on closed polygons. Ideally, it may be replaced with a universal "FindCenter" node that accepts both pt and obj data types: finding the centre of point arrays, curves (open & closed), surfaces, polysurfaces, groups of objects, and solids.

Returning to "Extract" node: there are 2 further functions that logically may fall within its scope ie "Shuffle", "Reverse" for point arrays (similarly to numArray options). If this is possible, we may retire 2 further existing nodes. See image

It heartens me that you've taken up the mantle and continue to refine nodeEditor.

EDITED: 3 Jul 2023 by JFH


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.344 In reply to 9581.343 
Thank you James
Your comments encourage me to keep making stuff. :)
I searched a bit on finding the center of gravity, Its math is way beyond my knowledge.
Although, I've made a macro months ago to get the average of points.
I'll attach it here, so if it was helpful It can be a starting point to write a node.js file.

About adding "Shuffle" and "Reverse" options to the "extract" node's point mode,
I had some success, (added "Shuffle" and "Reverse" to points and objects mode)
But, I have to study more on adding extra outputs to the node.
Specially adding output for a specific option rather than all options.

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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.345 In reply to 9581.344 
Gallant Effort MO,

I recognise that liteGraph framework make it difficult (or impossible?) to alter the output datatype with mode options.

Perhaps the scope of this node is too broad. Maybe the solution is to have another node: "Basic/Sort" for reversing and shuffling arrays of all datatypes. NumArray options: SortAscending & SortDescending would also logically fall within the scope of this node as well.

What do you think?

EDITED: 5 Jul 2023 by JFH


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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.346 In reply to 9581.345 
I didn't have the chance to work on it, but it is something that I'll check that out again.
I guess you are right about "sort" options. They can be in a separate node.
I'll let you know after checking out options.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
This is what I found out:
Actually you can change inputs and outputs for a specific property by calling "onPropertyChange" function.
You can use these methods to change the node:
"addInput", "addInputs", "addoutput", "addOutputs", "removeInput", "removeOutput", "changeIntputType" "changeOutputType"
I've made a node to show some examples.

This is one node with different properties.

Address: " Basic/IO_Changer "

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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
This small change can stop the "fillet" node from crashing moi.
Find this line inside "fillet" node .js file:
filletOut = filletFac.calculate();

And replace it with this:
filletOut = filletFac.getCreatedObjects();

I recommend to do the same on "shell" node as well.
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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
"SelectContained" node based on Michael's "SelectContained" script:

address : "Objects/SelectContained"

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool selection tool!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
// DashCurveMP is based on this Michael Gibson script:

EDITED: 29 Nov 2023 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  MO (MO_TE)
"Note" node
Note node to display notes, numbers and point data on canvas.

Use pointers to move between pages.
Hold down the Shift key and click on the arrows to move through the pages 10 times faster.

Right click options:
Switch between exact and round presentation of numbers. (Default: round numbers up to 3 float numbers)
Choose points order presentation. (point groups) (Default: x length)
Page navigation

Thanks for great suggestions James.
Multiline Text Justification Credit:

Address: Infos/Note

EDITED: 13 Dec 2023 by MO_TE

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very cool effort!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.354 In reply to 9581.352 

Thank you for Note node. The ability to annotate node circuits will greatly aid in clarifying complex wirings, particularly when returning to them after extended absence.

Also, not only does this node replaces r2d3/display node, but similarly displays point data. One feature that may not be immediately apparent, but will nevertheless be exceedingly useful is the display of ordered pts by x-length, y-length, or z-length.

Thank you, your efforts are to be applauded

EDITED: 16 Dec 2023 by JFH


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 From:  Barry-H
can anybody make a switch node that as one input and two outputs basically the existing switch in reverse.
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.356 In reply to 9581.355 
I will have a look, to see if the inputs and outputs can be coded "in reverse".

Using an electrical analogy is complicated by the fact that the Nodes have Inputs and Outputs, which introduces a "direction" to the data flow.
Electricity could flow in either direction.

The new requested switch is properly called a SPDT, (Single Pole, Double Throw) switch, with one input Pole, and two output terminals.

The existing switch is a "Backward flow" version of this, with two poles and double throw, but the term DPST is not appropriate.
>>>And the code for this node is in the Interfaces.js file.<<<

The SwDPDT switch node which I did is actually a "Backward flow" switch.(?)
So there could be two versions of the SwDPDT switch node.
And two versions of the SwRotary switch node.

- Brian


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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.357 In reply to 9581.355 
Hi Barry,

Attached is a draft node, SwSPDT_DRAFT.js.
It has one input, and two outputs.
It may be copied to the nodeeditor Extensions folder, and when MoI & Nodeeditor are re-opened, the node will appear in the Widgets menu.

The Bezier curved connection indicator was modified by trial and error, based upon some Bezier information.
Control point 1 and cp2 "x" values were swapped, and some Y and 10 values were interchanged.
Due to limited Bezier understanding, the changes seem a bit "mysterious".
There is a link in the SwDPDT.js file to some Bezier/canvas information.
...Got some help from Wayne a few years ago...
The non-switch selected Terminal is "floating"?

The main problem is that the Output switched away from should perhaps be reset with some default value?
What should the default value be? It must be numeric?
Display has a "NoInput" default value, but does not reset to NoInput.
Is there some numeric "null" value?

The SwSPDT_Draft node may have a Const node input.
Each Output can be wired to an Infos > Display node.

Testing was rudimentary...
Someone who knows what they are doing should check it out...

- Brian

Anyway, had some fun.
Cloned 256mb PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD with Samsung software, to new Samsung 990PRO, 2TB, which replaced the old boot SSD on Dell computer. It was easy using a portable NVMe case to USB adapter, (temporary for the cloning). (Windows 11)

This SwSPDT_Draft node contains several errors.
The errors are corrected in WN's switchRevers.js file (RevSwitch)



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