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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.227 In reply to 9581.221 
Note, I edited the post on PVector, because it works differently from Vector3d.
It almost works in the opposite way, which caused much confusion.
If object types do not match, javascript shows an error.
The way a class is programmed determines the way it works.
Other programmers have written vector classes, and complex number classes, with instance methods, and static methods, which behave very differently from what other programmers have written. I am not aware of any standard.

So I have been doing my own complex number class, cPlex, adapting the available conflicting code.
It has to be ES5 compatible as well, to be compatible with the javascript used by MoI4.
(A complex number class is very similar to a vector2d class.)
(mathJS has the needed functions, but is extremely complicated, ES11(+/-), BigInt, etc.
Then I can finish my script.

- Brian

Mixing real numbers with complex numbers makes it even more complicated.

EDITED: 12 Jan 2021 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.228 In reply to 9581.227 

Learning both Javascript and Node Editor programming is confusing and complicated. Javascript code would work on the web browsers, but not in the Node Editor environment. That is when the version type the Node Editor uses make a difference. The scripting format of the Node Editor is very different from Javascript code. My Delaunay conversion script project changed a higher version of Javascript to a lower version to be compatible with the Node Editor. The Vector3D.js is a compilation of code from different sources. There are no documented standards to reference from for Node Editor programming. Learning from other users code, including your examples.

.-- .- -.-- -. .
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.229 In reply to 9581.228 
Thank you Wayne, for the clarifications.
I see that Max initiated a vector, before making the vector equal a vector subtraction.

Arrays and objecLists get initiated before use...

Now have a better understanding of why objects do not match, in my test code.

- Brian

EDITED: 13 Jan 2021 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.230 In reply to 9581.217 
Where can I find the qhull3d.nod?
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.231 In reply to 9581.230 
qhull3d node seems to have been deleted(?)
Not yet integrated into
Will be located in the Objects2 menu.
(Place node in the nodeeditor extensions folder.)

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.232 In reply to 9581.231 
Thank you bemfarmer :-)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.233 In reply to 9581.171 
Where is "ExtendSrf.js" to be found?
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 From:  WN
9581.234 In reply to 9581.233 
Hi Psygorn.

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.235 In reply to 9581.234 
Hi WN,

Thank you.

I cannot find "Loft2.js" as well. Where can I find it?
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.236 In reply to 9581.235 
Maybe try a search for +mLoft2 ?
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.237 In reply to 9581.236 
Hello bemfarmer,

I am sorry I thought mLoft2 is different from Loft2, my bad!

your reply helped me :-) thank you.
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.238 In reply to 9581.231 
Helloo bemfarmer,

I ran into a problem:

What should I do now?

I looked for vector3D.js and I did not find it!
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.239 In reply to 9581.238 
Vector3d.js should be in the extension folder (?)
Program of WayneHill.

- Brian

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.240 In reply to 9581.239 
Thank you,

But I ran into a new error!

Which makes me confused! I thought it should be working by now!

I have qhull3d.js in extensions folder of nodeeditor.

What should I do now?
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.241 In reply to 9581.240 
Strange results...

Note that the number of points input to the qhull need to be 3 or more, and should be an integer, (not
having a decimal point.) Otherwise, on two computer systems, home and work, the slider behaved weirdly, with mouse motion above or below the slider,
the slider would move, and weird exceptions occured. With 3+ integer number of points, the slider works fine.
So set the slider minimum to 3, and have no decimals, in its info box.

Getting your error sounds strange.

- Brian
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.242 In reply to 9581.241 
Hi Brian,

I asked James directly about the problem however, I'd be happy if you take a look at it too.

you can find the .nod file here:
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
Here are my latest versions. Yes, the original Voronoi conversion was limited to 100 objects. Updated to 1000.

Wayne Hill

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hello all,

Could we have a search ability within Nodeeditor? (like blender when we press F3 a search window pops up)

Also when doing right-click to find a node could we have the opened windows open until we click on empty space?
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 From:  WN
9581.245 In reply to 9581.244 
"Could we have a search ability within Nodeeditor?"

That's all that's implemented.
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
9581.246 In reply to 9581.245 
Dear WN,

Yes I have already seen that but I meant something like search ability inside blender3D ( I don't know if you have seen it or not)

Inside Blender3D if you press F3 (a default hotkey for search within Blender3D) I meant something like that! (And I know it may sound a bit odd but somehow I miss that ability when I work with Nodeeditor)
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