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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.141 In reply to 9581.140 
No problem! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
There has be some recent discussion regarding chamfering in NE: , so it would seem opportune to propose a new node:

Chamfer Node

The proposed node is analogous to Chamfer UI tool. Michael has outlined the chamfer factory inputs here:

The node would be input with a polyline and output with Chamfers applied.
The "ptSel" input would operate similarly to "Mask"input on Logic/Split node, so that alternate points are selected by inputting 1,0 or 0,1. Entering 1 would select all points.

Moreover, the "ptSel" input could be any combination of 1s & 0s, as that in the example of a 5 pointed star, may be a string of 10 comma separated numbers of any order (eg 1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0)

"Dist1" and "Dist2" are the chamfer ends offsets from point. Of course, in many instances "Dist1" and "Dist2" will have the same input.

Have a great weekend


EDITED: 3 Feb 2020 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.143 In reply to 9581.142 
Perhaps a version for breps (solids), and a version for edges, and the curve version...
Or maybe one version can do it all. Input would be an objectlist, not limited to breps...

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.144 In reply to 9581.143 

>> Perhaps a version for breps (solids), and a version for edges, and the curve version...Or maybe one version can do it all. <<

Probably it would be better to have multiple versions, but encapsulated into a single "Chamfer" node.


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 From:  James (JFH)
Further to the discussions here:

Fillet Node

The proposed node would operate analogous to "Fillet" UI tool. Instead of selecting points to apply rounding, the node would be multi-processing and would operate on each point; however the radius may be 0 and hence that corner would remain un-rounded.

A single numeric input into "Radi" would applied the same rounding to all corners, where 2 comma separated inputs will apply alternate radii (as shown in image below with "Radi" input of "10,0" ). Of course more complex patterns of numbers may also be entered

A great weekend to all

EDITED: 3 Feb 2020 by JFH


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 From:  James (JFH)
Extrude2 Node

The proposal is to extend the functionality of Extrude node to include the other options of "Extrude" UI tool.

Extrude2 Options

Vector: multiprocessing vector input give magnitude and direction.

Tapered Mode (positive & negative angles, converge & diverge respectively) If this could have vector input all the better.

To Point Mode


EDITED: 1 Feb 2020 by JFH

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 From:  bemfarmer
A Dual Slider widget node would be useful.

There is a Demo of such a slider here:
and a link to GitHub download.

(So this might be an easy project? Maybe not. There is a lot of code)
There are some install instructions here:

I have not had time to see if it would be compatible with nodeeditor and MoI.

There would be a min value, a max value, and "p_value" slider, "grip" and "q_value" slider "grip".
min <= p_value <= q_value <= max. (I would also like 2 < q_value.)
For my Doyle Spiral Node, if I ever finish it.

- Brian

EDITED: 16 Feb 2020 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.148 In reply to 9581.147 

Do you mean something similar to Widget/Range node? See below.
Or something altogether different?


EDITED: 16 Feb 2020 by JFH


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 From:  James (JFH)
Polygon Edge Node

This node would be analogous to Draw/Polygon/Edge UI tool.
Although initially it could be a standalone node, ideally it would be a 2nd option to Curves/Polygon node, as shown.

The resultant polygon would be defined by inputting 2 points and the number of sides.
There could be a "Flip" Mode with pulldown menu choice of "True" & "False", but there could be some utility in allowing these options to be set dynamically. For example an input of 0,1 would draw 2 polygons back to back.


EDITED: 16 Feb 2020 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.150 In reply to 9581.148 
Hi James,
Yes, the range node is close.

I have just been making some minor modifications, for a range2 node.
Not quite there yet.
- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.151 In reply to 9581.150 
Two connected sliders would work well.
The p slider would range in integers, from 1 to max_value, and could not exceed the current q slider value.
The q slider would range in integers, from 3 to max_value, and could not be less than the current p slider value.

This is possible, saw an example on the internet.

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
Rectangle2 Node

This one is pretty self evident. The proposal is not a new mode as such, but rather an extension to the existing Curves/Rectangle node, to include rectangle by 2 points and by 3 points options.


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 From:  James (JFH)
CloseCrv Node

The proposed node would close open curves, analogous to Michael's CloseCurve script:

Also the node could have secondary function of check which of the input curves are closed or not, outputting a numArray of 1s and 0s.


EDITED: 21 Mar 2020 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
It would be nice to have right_click Info available for Macros.
- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
ExtractPts2 Node or delCorners Node

This node would be an advancement on (and replacement of) existing "ExtractPts" node.
"ExtractPts2" node would differ from it's predecessor in that it would be multi-processing and
have a pointArray output as well as, or even instead of a point Objects output.
In this way, the output may be connected to "curves" node or "Polyline" node and function analogous to "delCorners" script or "subD/convertCurveToPoly" node respectively.

"delCorners" script, which was originally written by Michael, but developed further by Max, would be the obvious starting point. It may be found on his site:

This may seem like an insignificant change to an existing node, but it would in fact be of great significance to the power of NE.

Have a great weekend.

PS delCorners Node would simply be an analogue of delCorners script: smoothing sharped corners of a polyline.

EDITED: 21 Mar 2020 by JFH


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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.156 In reply to 9581.154 

Are you looking to launch a help web page from the NE? The shellExecute command can launch programs. Also have a tooltip on mouse over I have been working on.

Included the link to your DoyleSprial.html and an online calculator I found in the forum under shortcuts.


EDITED: 5 Nov 2020 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.157 In reply to 9581.156 
Thank you Wayne.
The tooltip on mouse over is interesting.

I've been too ignorant and lazy or busy to start a webpage for the past few years. Looked at Weebly a few times on Pilou's recommendation.
I think that it would be nice to have a bare bones skeleton draft of a website. A few topics and links to various topics/projects. To build upon.

Never tried to launch a help web page.

I'll look into your .js more, as time permits.
Too much work and play projects right now.

- Brian
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.158 In reply to 9581.157 

The html help file can be located in the NE directory tree. No website required.

For the PC, this is where the html help file is located:


By 'launch', I mean to shellExecute the html to the browser to view. Not launch a website location on the web. Although that can be done as well as starting external programs.

Thank you,


EDITED: 23 Mar 2020 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.159 In reply to 9581.158 
Hi Wane,

I am using the documentation/help/Info method of Karsten.
To get the respective Info button, each node would need to have his code added. And a documentation file added to /EN.

The help/documentation files are located in nodeeditor/ nodes/ Documentation/ EN (or FR for French versions).

- Brian
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.160 In reply to 9581.159 
Hi Brian,

I will study Karsten's method more closely. It did not work the first time for me, which usually means I did something wrong.

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