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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
New Delaunay Node:

This node uses a modified delaunator javascript library from:

The output Lines is for a single line graphics
The Triangles output generates triangles that can be used for planar face surfaces.

Copy the delaunay.js and delaunator.js files to the directory:

I would like to thank James for helping out with testing and design recommendations.



EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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Message 9581.120 deleted 25 Jan 2020 by JFH

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9581.121 In reply to 9581.117 
Hi Marco,

I can add additional url parameters. It will not take a lot of time.
Something like this:
moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html?file=c:\\ne\\node1.nod&step=1&close=1', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:1,defaultHeight:1', moi.ui.mainWindow )
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 From:  James (JFH)
Dither Node

This proposed node would take the output of "ImgSample" node and process the z values into a boolean (1s & 0s) stream , so that the density of 1s in sequence would range from lowest values to highest values. (ie black would be repetitions of 0s, and white would be repetitions of 1s, while greys would be patterned sequences of various combinations of 1s and 0s)

The result would be the conversion of a greyscale image to a series points on the canvas similar to the arrangement of pixels from a photoshop greyscale conversion to bitmap with diffusion dither.

Alternatively, the node could have pointAeeay input and output, extracting the z-values internally.

There are a number of resources online about dithering algorithms, eg:

& of course Codetrain:

I have been dithering in photoShop then importing into "ImgSampler" node to achieve a similar result, but I would be great if this process could be done directly in NE, giving ultimate control on end result.

Have a great weekend

EDITED: 27 Jan 2020 by JFH


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Some new works for the repository for the next week! ;)

EDITED: 27 Jan 2020 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
9581.124 In reply to 9581.121 
Hello Max! Great to hear you again :)

That new feature could be very very useful!

Thanks a lot Max!

Waiting for this welcome update :)

Let us know when it's about to be released, thanks.


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9581.125 In reply to 9581.124 
Hi Marco,

In nearest future (maybe next week), I will release a minor update. Few bugfixes and a couple of interface features. Nothing special.
Of course I'll add more url parameters, as you asked. I implemented this feature yesterday, everything works well, but I need some time to prepare the current wip version for release.

As I can see, everything goes as I planned. I made an engine core, community make nodes.
I will continue developing NE core. At the moment I try to find a best way to implement a Loop feature. I think it will be useful for fractal generating and many other things.

P.S. And yes, I'm waiting for v4 release :)
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 From:  mkdm
9581.126 In reply to 9581.125 
Thanks a lot Max for your kind reply :)
It's great to hear that you keep on working on this "magical" piece of code :)

Great news to hear that you did this new "url parameters"!

Yes, the community is doing a SUPER, SUPERB job in creating very powerful and "exotic" nodes!

Waiting for your next release with some UX enhancements (very needed now)

Ciao and thanks!

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  mkdm
9581.127 In reply to 9581.122 
Hello James!

I write here a reply for your latest post on the "Current NODE EDITOR folder", because I don't know where I can write my thanks to you :)

@You: "...I will replace as new revisions are made to node editor and
as new extension nodes are added, so that the most
current NE folder can always be found here..."

THIS IS A HUGE SUPER USEFUL SERVICE for the whole community here!!!

Thanks a lot!

Keep on doing this very good behavior :)

You know that this, is one of my most wanted "good behavior" in this community :)


I've lost my actual latest version of the working N.E for the "old" version of Moi (v3)
Could you please provide that N.E. package also for the V3?

Thanks a lot again.


- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio
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 From:  AlexPolo
9581.128 In reply to 9581.122 
Hi James,
Could this be developed into a CIRCLE PACKING NODE?


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
@ James
Have you a web site different than Instagram because access is limited when visitor has no Instagram account!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.130 In reply to 9581.129 

>> Could you please provide that N.E. package also for the V3? <<

I've always believed that NE was the same for both v3 & v4,
but if it doesn't work for you with v3, then perhaps not.

I have not used v3 for at least a couple of years,
& sorry, do not have a v3 version of NE to upload.


.>> Have you a web site different than Instagram because access is limited when visitor has no Instagram account! <<

Yes, I have a website: ,however doesn't show any examples of nodeEditor experimentation. As far as limitation on Instagram, IFAIK you don't need to be registered to view post. I only started using it because the swiping of multiple images seemed like a good way of showing node circuitry, which tend to extend horizontally.


.>> Circle Packing <<

Yes I will add this as a node proposal. I first need to contemplate how it might best be implemented.


EDITED: 27 Jan 2020 by JFH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.131 In reply to 9581.130 
We can see the 36 last images with the Node Editor on Instagram before to be blocked! :)
Better than nothing! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.132 In reply to 9581.128 
As requested by Alex above here is a new node proposal for the wishlist.

GeoPack Node

This proposed node would take a field of points and calculate radii of close packing circles at each point. These outputs would serve as inputs for "circle" node, or alternatively "polygon" node. Obviously shapes other than circles will not truly close pack, so a "scale" input is included to adjust sizing of individual elements. I have included a pointArray output, however it may be removed, as the point source output would serve similar function.

I have shown here the "GeoPack" node paired with "Dither" node (proposed earlier: ) to create an image based circle packing illustration.


EDITED: 29 Jan 2020 by JFH


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.133 In reply to 9581.132 
@ James
I am fan of Daniel Shiffman (I have seen all its videos! ... Yes i am maybe a little addict... :D

Free Processing (Java) & now Javascript Online (P5*Js) are truelly amazing coding progs!
Processing speeds * 3 than P5*Js for critical projects...
Alas not yet free times for play with them! :(

my little one :) (Drag & Drop an PNG image with a transparent bakground - best if it's 1024* 512 maxi)
another little one :)

EDITED: 27 Jan 2020 by PILOU

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 From:  AlexPolo
9581.134 In reply to 9581.132 
Thanks James thats great - is it possible to put a node in to control spacing between circles and maximum and minimum hole size this could be a very valuable tool in the creation of laser cut screens. Regards Alex. Here is a job I completed several years ago I used Grasshopper to achieve similar results.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Nice result! What was the material ? (Metal, wood, cement...)
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 From:  James (JFH)
9581.136 In reply to 9581.134 

Just to be clear, my post for proposal of "geoPack" node, was just a proposal, not the contribution of a new node. That would be the task of someone more skilled in coding than I.

But to answer your question: the node for controlling min & max radii would be ArrayExt/reRange node (as it happens, this is one of the few nodes that I have actually contributed).

However to achieve a result similar to the images shown, with equi-spaced holes of various sizes, you would simply link you close-packed circle pattern to construct2/offset & apply the desired offset to each circle.


PS The screen looks great BTW.
What is this building? In Sydney? it's OK i found it

EDITED: 30 Jan 2020 by JFH

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 From:  Michael Gibson
9581.137 In reply to 9581.134 
That's some really cool artwork Alex!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
9581.138 In reply to 9581.130 
Hi James,

> I've always believed that NE was the same for both v3 & v4,
> but if it doesn't work for you with v3, then perhaps not.

I seem to remember that there is one thing that doesn't work in v3 which is Macros. I think it's something like it assumes it's installed in the appdata folder but v3 doesn't have the appdata support for that.

It's this one here:

Hopefully Max will see this to take a look.

- Michael
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