Free renderers?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
82.35 In reply to 82.32 
That's very cool Petr, that turns it from a purely academic research project into something useful!

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
82.36 In reply to 82.23 
Hi Jonah,

>>there is really nothing in Moi that Rhino can't do, except for the n-gon meshing and shelling function.

I don't agree ... this is why I think that MoI is a excellent companion to Rhino unless you have bought powersolids ...


EDITED: 12 Dec 2006 by TYGLIK


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Hi Tyglik
Seems your provider has a very very very slow server!
6 kb / second : Are you advise of that ?
Why don't you UpLoad your Images on the MoI serveur Forum?

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 From:  tyglik
82.38 In reply to 82.33 
>Just a question :you said "MoI obj", it's not valuable for any Object from other prog s in obj format?(in all triangles made of course)

It depends on how particular program differs in file structure from MoI's obj. if you'd be interested to convert an output from some particular program, you can post obj file so that I could try to look it for.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
82.39 In reply to 82.38 

Cool :)
Maybe you can see this one
This is a simple cube from Blender
Triangulated, without UV & Material, only meshes
Idem for a little more complex object : a little Monkey ;)
Bon courage :)
Ps When I use it with your Script, there is an "Indice Out of range" or similar :)

EDITED: 12 Dec 2006 by PILOU


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 From:  jbshorty
True enough, Petr. I tried your experiment in both Rhino and Moi and got the same results as you. Rhino was able to do solve the fillet around the edge of the sphere only if i reduced the radius to 0.2. As many people know Rhino has some limitations due to it's intersection code. This surely must affect it's filleting tool. It's something RMA has needed to improve for quite a while... Power Solids i've always thought was too expensive. But Moi seems it will have a more reasonable price, and will be a nice compliment for Rhino users i agree. 99% sure i will buy it.


>>there is really nothing in Moi that Rhino can't do, except for the n-gon meshing and shelling function.

I don't agree ... this is why I think that MoI is a excellent companion to Rhino unless you have bought powersolids ...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
82.41 In reply to 82.36 

Hehe Tyglik good example indeed !
Maybe you must also said for the beginners than the Sphere and Cube are "Unioned" by boolean Union :)
I know that is implicit by the word "original" and evident but ...:)

EDITED: 12 Dec 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  jbshorty
Petr - Here is the intersection which creates the fillet problem in Rhino. I made an R1 pipe, and then intersected the pipe with the box/cube. you can see there are 3 gaps in one of the curves, which is causing the broken fillet surfaces. Manually the curve can be repaired, then trim away the surfaces between the curves, then create a blend surface to fill the gap. but it's a pain :( ...I hadn't noticed any differences between Rhino/Moi fillet results because i very rarely use primitives for modeling. Most of my work is more semi-organic, and comparisons of Rhino/Moi fillets had similar results on my models. Oh well, it's good to know i can use Moi to assist Rhino in this way.

Also, I read a post somewhere that speculated Moi might be using the same kernel as N-Power. Don't know if it's true or not. But, it may explain any similarities between fillets in Moi and Power Solids...


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 From:  Michael Gibson
82.43 In reply to 82.42 
> Also, I read a post somewhere that speculated Moi might be
> using the same kernel as N-Power. Don't know if it's true or not.

Yes, this is true, it is the same kernel.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could also find certain kinds of fillets that Rhino could do that would fail in MoI, MoI's fillets are certainly far from perfect. But MoI seems to handle a wider variety of mechanical things.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
82.44 In reply to 82.39 
Hi Pilou,

I have made slight modification so Blender might work appropriately.
Btw, monkey seems to have one duplicated face.


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 From:  tyglik
82.45 In reply to 82.42 
>>but it's a pain :(

Don't hang your head, Jonah. Rhino is permanently improved. For example boolean operation in V3 doesn't work with objects which haven't intersection (e. g. cylinder on cube) or have singularity lying in the corner (e. g. cone and cube). And V4? It works. So be patient and importunate contributor of rhino newsgroup as well.... hehe..

Another pretty thing is that MoI makes Rhino's command _MergeFace automatically when you perform boolean operations. On the other hand, I feels the lack of _ShrinkTrimmedSrf. Maybe I have got a bad habit, but when I use trim command or boolean operations intensively, the underlying untrimmed surface doesn't look like a masterpiece.... although I rarely render my work, so I guess it doesn't matter it.

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 From:  jbshorty
Of course not : )
Of course : )

the automatic merging makes nice clean models, but of course there are times when someone might want those original faces. I would make a suggestion that auto-merging should be an option that is set in the master preferences...


"...Don't hang your head, Jonah...
...So be patient and importunate contributor of rhino newsgroup as well....

Another pretty thing is that MoI makes Rhino's command _MergeFace automatically when you perform boolean operations. On the other hand, I feels the lack of _ShrinkTrimmedSrf. Maybe I have got a bad habit, but when I use trim command or boolean operations intensively, the underlying untrimmed surface doesn't look like a masterpiece.... although I rarely render my work, so I guess it doesn't matter it.

Petr "
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
82.47 In reply to 82.45 

Hi Tyglik
Many thx!
So actually with your 2 scripts ,everybody can make crazzy thing with this amazing prog of Jot :)
It's a little pitty that Jot have an UI some Old Fashioned and hard level curve to learn but perfect for play with it :)
Sorry for the Monkey, it's was an example inside the prog so I don't test it previous
There is now some Open source prog very powerful (Blender...hard level curve to learn too, but has an option for convert any object in only triangles)
and also an old fashion but very sympathic Anim8Or
Thx again and have happy codding!
Ps Of course I will try your new script!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

All works like a charm !
From Moi or Blender !

EDITED: 12 Dec 2006 by PILOU


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 From:  TwinSnakes
You can download the Carrara Demo for free.

It's only limitatinos are:

Max output 640x480
No Network rendering
Animation limited to 4 seconds

You can model in Moi, save in native .3DM format. Open in Carrara and set materials, use Global Illumination, etc, etc. with the full power of its render engine.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
82.50 In reply to 82.49 

And that with any limitation of date or just for 30 days?

Another thing, I believe that for the rendering, Carrara transform the 3dm in "poly" in internal for rendering
It's not a "nurbs renderer" :)
But yes a very strong renderer !
Favorite of Marcel : see these album ! (many crazzy images)

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 From:  TwinSnakes
82.51 In reply to 82.50 
Your right Frenchy, it's a 30-day trial


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
82.52 In reply to 82.51 

And when you import nurbs in Carrara see this dialog box appear :)
You must Tesselate maybe it's better to transform in Obj in Moi
because you can see directly the result :)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
82.53 In reply to 82.50 
> Another thing, I believe that for the rendering, Carrara transform the
> 3dm in "poly" in internal for rendering
> It's not a "nurbs renderer" :)

This is not necessarily bad though - the most standard way to render NURBS is to convert it to polygons. There are only very few "true NURBS renderers" out there because rendering NURBS directly tends to be extremely slow.

There are also some other problems with rendering directly other than speed - during the construction of NURBS objects it is normal for there to be very slight gaps (within the modeling tolerance, typically like 0.01 or 0.001) between intersected surfaces. When rendering the NURBS directly, it is possible to have these gaps show up as cracks when zoomed in on spots of the model.

A good quality conversion to polygons will take care of this crack problem because it will generate polygons that are completely sealed together along shared edges of the NURBS model.

- Michael
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 From:  TwinSnakes
82.54 In reply to 82.53 
Michael, I'd like to try to do an exporter to RIB for use in the free 3Delight engine. Any docs you can throw my way?

Or would you suggest trying to read the 3DM file format instead and converting that to RIB?

Any direction would be appreciated.

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