Nodebundle for playing with nodes
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.884 In reply to 7777.882 
Hello Barry,

please check your path in detail - if there is no fault, try a complete/absolute path e.g. moi.ui.createDialog( 'X:\MoI_V4 beta\ui\nodeeditor.v.0.99.2017.12.18/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

Hope it helps
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 From:  Barry-H
7777.885 In reply to 7777.884 
Hi Karsten,
still no luck perhaps this discussion
as something to do with it.
I have looked at the index.html and it references the appdata path, if that means anything.
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 From:  Barry-H
7777.886 In reply to 7777.884 
Hi Karsten,
this is the error from a direct path.

SyntaxError: \u can only be followed by a Unicode character sequence

line 1

1: >> moi.ui. createDialog ('D:\MoI V4 beta\ui\ nodeeditor.v.0.99.2017.12.18/index. html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680 , defaultHight:420',moi.ui.mainWindow );

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.887 In reply to 7777.886 
Hi Barry,

> SyntaxError: \u can only be followed by a Unicode character sequence

In a JavaScript string the backslash \ character is used as an "escape" so you can make characters like \t meaning tab, or \uXXXX for a unicode character. If you want to make an actual backslash you need to put in \\ .

But it also looks like you may have some extra spaces in various places causing problems, especially "index. html".

I'd recommend trying 'nodeeditor.v.0.99.2017.12.18/index.html' - that should look for it in your MoI ui folder. Note there should not be any space in the middle of index.html

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.888 In reply to 7777.886 
Hello Barry,

fits the path exactly to your configuration? Please open the file path to the index.html and post a screenshot of the explorer or dolphin or other file manager, depending of your OS. then we can have a look.

Until soon
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 From:  Barry-H
7777.889 In reply to 7777.888 
Hi Karsten,
here it is.


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 From:  Barry-H
Hi Michael/Karsten,
sorted my typing leaving spaces seems to have been the problem.
Many thanks
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.891 In reply to 7777.889 
Hello Barry,

sorry I have placed backslashs as slashs in my path example. But is it possible that there is a space in the relative path as Michael mentioned. I don't know how spaces are handled in js for a absolute path - in windows are used "x x " as I remember. So I don't have a solution:-(

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.892 In reply to 7777.878 
Does your file r2d3.js is the previous one increased with new functions or it's a totally new one at each time ?

(not yet translate all your new buttons! ;)

EDITED: 18 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
7777.893 In reply to 7777.878 
Hello Ralf!

...WOW !!!


Congratulations :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.894 In reply to 7777.892 
Hello Pilou,

the error comes typically up, when basicFunctions.js is missing in the nodes/extensions/libs folder. It contains some basic vector math functions. Pick it up from a previous installation and copy it to the folder.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 19 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS

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 From:  r2d3
7777.895 In reply to 7777.892 
<<<<Does your file r2d3.js is the previous one increased with new functions or it's a totally new one at each time ?

Hi Pilou, yes my r2d3.js is a work in progress... this time the quartz2 (with the new inputs) is in it.. so just override the existing one with the new one.

looking for moments of inspiration...
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 From:  r2d3
7777.896 In reply to 7777.894 
Hi Karsten,
just a nother question about your extensions.
I was looking into your intersectObj, and separateObj. There is a lot of "out commenting".. and i dont get what i expect from them..
I was playing with your msweep.nod and i was wondering if it is also possible to add the seemedEdge of the baseobject to the generatet IsoCurves.

With the separateObj i got access to the faces with the intersectObj i dont get anything...
Whats wrong?

looking for moments of inspiration...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Ok with the missing files basics in Libs folder that works better! (very labyrinthic to follow! :)

But now...does this normal ?
What is your parameters Smoothness and Speed ?

EDITED: 19 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  r2d3
7777.898 In reply to 7777.897 
<<<<Is beautiful that please without concept!

Are you sure that the small MOI is following the objpath ? and the objpath is not hidden??

looking for moments of inspiration...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7777.899 In reply to 7777.898 
I just load the file 3dm, the nod file and launch! (Windows 10)
Nothing more! :)

EDITED: 19 Dec 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.900 In reply to 7777.896 
Hello Ralf,

separateObj uses the same factory as the MoI function separate. So it smashes joined objects like segmented curves, joined surfaces and solids into the lower level e.g. solids into faces. Is your input atomic, nothing will happens. To intersect something you need at least 2 intersecting geometries at the input for intersect objects. e.g. a curve and a surface -> output point. If you want to have all edges of a brep you can use the extractEdges node. For an overview for most of the factories, have a look to the document hosted by Max, if you don't know it already.

Have a nice day
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.901 In reply to 7777.900 
Hello Ralf,

there is also another half automatic way to extract an edge of brep (surfaces,joined surface, solids). BrepNameSubObjects takes the bRep and gives names to the faces and edges and displays the geometry. If you select something of the displayed geometry and you insert then the extract node it will evaluate the names and stores it. On run the node gives then the preselected geometry to the output. Without a pre selection while insert, the node has no names to store (empty names) and the node will give all faces and edges to the output, required you don't have a BrepNameSubObjects node as intput, means direct the brep.

I hope you can follow - here are the limits of my english:-(

Have a nice day

p.s. same behavior for the filleting of a solid (preselection is always necessary)- but take care fillet problems are not catched and leads to crash of MoI!!!

EDITED: 19 Dec 2017 by KMRQUS

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Friends
I want to share this exercise,
the construction of a Polygonal structure
starting from a modular piece , which is positioned
Good day to all
enjoy ... Christmas is approaching-
File at this link:

With a little imagination the PolyFrame could be transformed
in a hanging "ball"
best wishes to everyone

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 From:  r2d3
7777.903 In reply to 7777.901 
Thanks for going to the limit of your english! ;-)

Yes, i played with the BrepNameSubObjects node - its very interesting and studying how you programed it brings me to the limits of my Javascript...
But there must be a simpler way to just get a edge of a object...
Unfortunatly my objects2 extension doesnt have the ExtractEdges node... i am outdated:-{ and i cant run your select-extract.nod example.
But i think that node can be the solution to me simple problem..

First i have to search for the latest object2.js ...

looking for moments of inspiration...
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