oh sorry barry,
i misunderstood. i thought you were talking about the root fillet. i see you mean the le ellipse and the te arc. if you were attempting the root fillet, that was the geometry i was mentioning. it's ok about the extra points. i was thinking that could also be due to differences in tolerances. i spent quite awhile messing with rhino tolerances. and eventually went with what they said in their help. i know changing those affects the results a lot. so it's probably just a difference in tolerances. but maybe also some difference in methods used. as long as it works, it's no big deal. when i was using higher tolerances in rhino, the surfaces would get so heavy it made it hard to rotate pan models etc with lots of blades. so that was my only fear with you having more definition than i had.
i think on the profiles, i was just referring to the list i made in an much earlier post. i think those were:
the naca airfoil (has an elliptical le and a small arc at the te)
the naca airfoil with a user defined te radius (needed for manufacturing something that can handle the operating stress)
the naca airfoil with the le made with straight lines and the te going to a point (useful for fea)
a flat plate cross-section with user defined le and te radius
i can't recall if there was another option i mentioned. but these would be sufficient i think.