Thanks Anthony
Michaels updated import point script works, so I'm getting a better idea what is going on.
(Found the forum thread on "Import Point Script Error" with Michaels updated import point script.)
(The import point script(s) on the kyticka.webzdarma site are the original versions.)
Would an increase from 13 TIP points help any?
Regarding the "splines for the airfoil", where/which are the points, or how are the splines for the "backside" of the airfoil determined?
Are the calculated airfoil points (supposed to be) on the actual physical surface of the propeller?
I'm aware of three factory types to choose from, var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'interpcurve' ), curves go through the points, or
var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'curve' ), curves use the points as contol points, or
var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'point' ), creates points from the x,y,z points.
(The point one just makes points, the current import points situation). (The first two make curves, easier to sweep, no splines to manually create,(except for tip/edge arcs?....)
One factory to create the (closed?) curve of the airfoil cross section.
Three factories to create "top", "bottom," and "middle" rail. ("top" points make 1 rail, "bottom" points make 1 rail, middle points make 1 rail.?)
Is there only one cross section airfoil for the entire rail sweep? (in current model?)
(Excuse dumb questions please, trying to understand the geometry, and which points get connected.)
What are the middle rail points for?
What does each triplett of rail points represent? , (front? back?).