hi barry,
thanks for taking the time to look into this. unfortunately, I don't have the xyz file associated with the model shown. I do however have the rhino file. I have attached that for you. The points that were imported are in the file. This was an old model that is no longer consistent with PROP_DESIGN. I showed it because it was setup already and showed some problems with rhino. After the screencast, I went back and tried some things to get the projected geometry to work. I couldn't find anything to make it work out. For some reason, rhino breaks the geometry when you add any sort of root fillet to it. The red model wasn't an issue. The green model was done with a flat plate cross-section using an ellipse for the le and te. I didn't talk about that in the screencast. So it's an additional profile you could work with if you wanted. So the overall profile selection needs to be something like:
1) naca 65a009 airfoil with original le (an ellipse) and original te (a small radius arc)
2) naca 65a009 airfoil with original le and increased radius te
3) naca 65a009 airfoil with the le connected with straight lines and the te going to a point (for simplified fea blade models)
4) flat plate with radius at le and te, user defined thickness (for stalled models like computer case fans and house fans)
5) flat plate with ellipse at le and te, user defined thickness
6) straight line (midplane fea model, this is super easy to do manually though so no real need to automate it)
the main thing that would save a lot of time is something where you could select and define what kind of profile you want. then have it copy and orient that cross-section in all the right places. then an option to project onto cylinders. if there is airfoil or blade sweep, the projected cross-sections need to be rotated into position. once you get that far, the rest isn't too time consuming to do manually.
when I first created xyz, it was done with the idea you could do a 2 rail sweep using one profile. however victor, the developer of mecway, noticed rhino wasn't working right. so since then, I have had to do either a loft with multiple sections or a 2 rail sweep using the sections you would with the loft. rhino often makes you fix the orientations if you do a loft. the 2 rail sweep seems to work better as far as any need for additional corrections. but in that case, you have to manually make new rails when the airfoils have been projected onto cylinders. rhino has all sorts of problems. I have had to work around them. too many to list or even remember. so i'm not sure how well moi will work. but it certainly can't be any worse than rhino. they have set the bar as low as humanly possible.
if you need, I can make a new file using the current version of prop_design. it takes quite a long time to do. and there are all sorts of blade options. so it's not really possible to manually make a model for every conceivable situation. usually, I use the swept computer case fan. however, some of the options will make the radius have a different z value for each location. so those types of blades will be even more of a time suck to setup. it use to be that the swept computer case fan was the most challenging geometry. that is why I have worked with it all this time. but now, there are a few more options that would be even harder to do. I tried to expose everything one would need to know about the blade. if I forgot something or if something could be done to make automation easier, I can make changes to xyz. as far as I know, it should be good enough to start the process off.
let me know if I can be of any more help.
thanks again
link to file shown in screencast;