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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.89 In reply to 4737.84 
Hi Michael,

>I think it should probably be pretty easy for me to get it to open up with the OSX instead of Wine Notepad.
Fine, if there are no text encoding problems between the two different operation systems.

Speaking of dressing up :) I found all icons in the ui/icon folder except for those that seem to be supplied by the Windows system like the attached ones.

I don't know if it's worth the effort but if I want to do it is there a possibility to exchange those myself?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.90 In reply to 4737.89 
Hi Martin,

> I found all icons in the ui/icon folder except for those that
> seem to be supplied by the Windows system like the
> attached ones.

Those particular ones are actually built into the resources section of the moi_lib.dll file, just because the licensing terms of the icon library they come from said they needed to be distributed that way.

You can override them by placing in files in the /ui/icons folder with the following names:


Those should usually be 64x64 PNG images with alpha channel.

If the icon loader finds files that you have created with those names inside the /ui/icons folder it will use them instead of the resource-embedded image for those ones.

- Michael
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.91 In reply to 4737.90 
Hi Michael,

thats great, thanks. Following your straightforward naming rules I suppose the names of the following icons




I like the icons you made but not the ones Bill Gates designed ;-)

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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
One more question:

Can MoI be closed by a script?
I would like to assign the standard Apple shortcut cmd+Q for closing an app (For the time beeing it would be Alt+Q).

I use that shortcut all the time.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.93 In reply to 4737.91 
Hi Martin,

> optionsicon.png
> helpicon.png
> openicon.png
> saveasicon.png
> newicon.png
> importicon.png
> exporticon.png
> Correct?

Yup, those look correct. There are also 3 more like that on the Edit palette in the side pane:


> I like the icons you made but not the ones Bill
> Gates designed ;-)

Those ones are not actually stock MS icons, they're part of an icon set from a professional icon designer. I guess they're getting a little bit out of style though, I may look into replacing them at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.94 In reply to 4737.92 
Hi Martin,

> Can MoI be closed by a script?
> I would like to assign the standard Apple shortcut cmd+Q for
> closing an app (For the time beeing it would be Alt+Q).

Put the following script in for the command part of the shortcut key for that:

script: /* Exit MoI */ moi.ui.mainWindow.close();

- Michael
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
4737.95 In reply to 4737.94 
Michael great job as usual, thanks for the OSX version. I am currently testing it on an iMac 24" OSX 10.7.2 2.8 GHz. Core 2Duo/ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB/4Gigs ram. It runs great so far with a few exceptions the app will not hold any customized settings like full screen on launch, UI size, grid colors, show axis icon it reverts back to the default settings on start up. I normally run Moi on a 2008 macbook unibody via Bootcamp and Win 7. I look forward to testing it on the Macbook when I get back home. I will report back. I have attached some test images. The flow worked like a charm, the array started to slow things up a bit but I suppose that is to be expected.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.96 In reply to 4737.95 
Hi phlatt5th, thanks for testing it!

Re: settings not sticking - I think that depends on which method you use for exiting - if you exit by clicking the red close button on the upper left area of the window it should have settings saved on exit, but not if you do it doing quit by the dock icon instead. I'd like to fix that, but for the moment use the upper-left control for your settings to persist.

- Michael
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
4737.97 In reply to 4737.96 
The UI settings now hold when I exit using the upper left button. Thanks for the tip. A few more questions, I would like to use some of the scripts on the resource page is that possible? especially the spacebar fullscreen under cursor one (PS I am so used to it I click on it looking for the same reaction in other 3D apps LOL) and where is the commands folder kept? How would I get it to remember the full screen on launch?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.98 In reply to 4737.97 
Hi phlatt5th,

> A few more questions, I would like to use some of the
> scripts on the resource page is that possible?

Yeah pretty much all the scripts should work exactly the same in the OSX version. The only one that probably won't work is the import point file one since it uses a Windows system component for reading a text file in. At some point I'll provide some text file services for scripts so that can be made to work as well.

But other than that one script I think every other one ought to work, please let me know if you find any that don't.

> especially the spacebar fullscreen under cursor one

It should work - please let me know if it doesn't.

> How would I get it to remember the full screen on launch?

It doesn't seem like the window size will stick right now, that's probably the only setting that doesn't. I'll look into that.

- Michael
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 From:  Jeff Hammond (JEFF_HAMMOND)
4737.99 In reply to 4737.98 
>> How would I get it to remember the full screen on launch?

>It doesn't seem like the window size will stick right now, that's probably the only setting that doesn't. I'll >look into that.

is there a window menu on the menu bar when running moi?
if so, is there an a window->zoom menu choice?

if so :) , try clicking the green button at the top left of the moi window (maximize) then go window->zoom..

you should be able to resize the window to your liking now and it will be remembered across sessions.

[lots of ifs in this :) ..but this does work in certain other osx apps that can't remember their size]
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.100 In reply to 4737.94 
Thank you Michael.
Alt+Q script: /* Exit MoI */ moi.ui.mainWindow.close();
works fine and closing the app by cmd-Q also remembers the settings.
It takes about five seconds until Moi actually closes by the way. But I guess thats because X11 is also closing in the background.

I'm glad you provided a straightforward way to customize the MoI Icons.

EDITED: 27 Nov 2011 by MARTIN3D

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 From:  osx59
Hello Michael

I really want to test this version, but I have the license version 1.
I did not have version 2, because I have no license "windows" on my Mac.
But now a Mac version, I dream !!!!!! I buy as soon as possible!

Thank you in advance


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Dear Vincent, Thank you for your purchase of: (1) - Moment of Inspiration 1.0 - Full Version
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.102 In reply to 4737.101 
Hi Vincent - at the moment you need a v2 license to use the OSX beta. That's the same as with the v3 beta release.

But if you have v1 you can purchase the v2 upgrade license instead of the v2 full version license to get v2.

Within another month or so I'll release some kind of public trial version of the OSX version that won't require any license at all, so if you can wait for a little bit you'll be able to use that version to test it without purchasing anything new at all.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
How is the stability of the OSX version?

Is anyone seeing any crash problems at all?

So far I have had 0 reports of crashes for this version, I just want to make sure that's actually the case and not just because nobody is using it extensively yet.

Also if you've previously been using the regular Win version on Parallels or VMWare, how does the performance of the 3D display compare between that and the new version?

- Michael
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 From:  dooki
4737.104 In reply to 4737.1 
Hey Michael,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Just downloaded it and played a little. Works smoothly as the PC version!


Macbook Pro 2.4 ghz
OS X 10.6.8

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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.105 In reply to 4737.103 
I have no complicated models like the motorcycle Frenchy Pilou shows in post 12 of this thread and I have never used MoI natively under Windows.
All I can say that I feel no difference in UI performance between using MoI in OS X and in VMWare.

One thing that takes "forever" though in VMWare and OS X are Sweep operations.
Does the following give a result under Windows?
A 0,5 mm diameter circle sweeped around a 1000 mm long helix with 5 mm diameter and 1000 turns calculates several minutes but gives no result in MoI VMWare and MoI OS X.

When I shorten the helix to 100 mm it takes about 50 seconds of calculation before the result is displayed.

Am I asking too much from Moi by sweeping a circle around 1000 turns?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.106 In reply to 4737.105 
Hi Martin,

> Am I asking too much from Moi by sweeping a circle
> around 1000 turns?

Actually yes - by the standards of NURBS modeling which creates a truly curved surface, that kind of 1000 turn tube is extremely complex.

One thing you can do though with such complex surfaces is to change the display density to be rougher - see this previous post on the settings to adjust:

The default settings for MoI generate a pretty high density display mesh, which for simple models makes the model look really nice but for a really high complexity tightly curved surface like you're trying to create the default settings will generate a quite high density display mesh.

The kind of complex single surface that you're trying to create in this case is kind of unusual in NURBS modeling - if you're trying to do something like that as a render effect you probably want to do that in a rendering program which may have some method of generating a pretty low polygon result along that curve instead of the kind of highly accurate result that NURBS modeling is focused on.

Basically when you are building NURBS models, the system is tuned towards high accuracy in all operations - the surface that you are generating there is refined until it is within 0.001 units of the ideal result. That kind of accuracy helps a lot for making precise and manufacturable models, but in a case like this it also creates a result with heavy data in it.

What kind of end result model are you trying to build that has a 1000 turn coil like that in it?

It is possible that MoI is not the right tool for the particular job that you're trying to do - if you want something that has a 1000 turn coil in it and you don't care about the actual accuracy of it a polygon modeling tool is probably a better tool for that case.

If you adjust the display density it may help some, but that particular sweep example is a pretty unusual case, in more regular types of sweeps you shouldn't see such a long delay.

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.107 In reply to 4737.105 
Hi Martin, so for something like that you'll probably need to do the 100 turn sweep and then piece 10 of those together rather than trying to do the 1000 turn sweep all in one go.

The way sweep works is that it starts out by trying to construct the sweep using only a few sample points and then tests the accuracy of the result. If the result is out of tolerance more sections are put in and the process repeats.

With a 1000 turn helix, you're looking quite a high level of iterative refinement needed until it will hit the 0.001 unit accuracy level.

Sweep does not have any way itself to recognize that there is a type of repeating pattern here, but you can take advantage of the repetitive nature of the pattern yourself by constructing a smaller sweep and then arraying it rather than doing one huge sweep.

But anyway because the way sweep works is by refinement of a fitted surface until a high accuracy level is obtained, it just does not work very well to do something with that kind of complexity in just one single surface sweep.

A polygon modeling program would have a much easier time of it because they generally don't care about hitting a specific accuracy level at all, so they'll do things like just move forward by some fixed increment along the curve and not even test accuracy of what that produces.

Sometimes in a case like this the NURBS modeling focus on generating accurate results can have some side effects, like in this case needing to do a smaller section that gets copied rather than doing it all in one go.

- Michael
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.108 In reply to 4737.107 
Thanks Michael for the detailed answer and insight. I'm a 3D beginner but I see.

I tried to model an 1 meter long threaded rod. Because it didn't work I used a simpler example.

Changing the Mesh angle to 25 helped and the example sweep actually displayed eventually. But your suggestion of joining several short pieces is the way to go for me. Should I use Join or Boolean Connect for this?
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