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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.145 In reply to 4737.144 
Hi SW03, thanks for testing it!

> The load / save / file dialogs coud be integrated
> better, but hey – it works .. :D

Yeah that's probably the single weirdest part right now - I do plan on overhauling these to use the native OSX file dialogs, and I'll also try to tune up the window sizing as well.

Of course in the grand scheme of things it's not so common to resize the window as it is to do stuff like rotate and pan the views, so it's good that the much more heavily used area of the regular screen redraw is working smoothly already.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
I'm a bit late to the party but, a Mac OS version, Michael?! This is amazing and it will be great for Mac users who did not want to bootcamp, etc. to Moi.

To me, Moi is sort of a professional paradox: with Moi it is possible to do serious work, in less time and have fun doing it.

Congrats, Michael.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.147 In reply to 4737.146 
Thanks Leonard, I'm glad that you've been having fun using MoI!

And yup, I've definitely heard from people who did not want to go through the hassle of setting up bootcamp or Parallels/VMWare (although quite a few people did do that too) so this new version should be helpful since it doesn't need any of that.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I attached what i described above with named objects for easier understanding, thanks for your support!

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 From:  BurrMan
4737.149 In reply to 4737.148 
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 From:  shane (SHANE_W)
Are you kidding me? This is amazing! Been using it a few day and seems to work perfectly. Thanks for the great work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.151 In reply to 4737.150 
You're welcome Shane, I'm glad that it's working well for you!

I've been working on some updates to it and making some progress, I've nearly got the native OSX file open and save dialogs working properly and then I have just a few other things to fix up before releasing a new updated OSX beta.

- Michael
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 From:  shane (SHANE_W)
4737.152 In reply to 4737.151 
Thanks Michael, that is great news.

Is there a way to be notified of the new build or should I just check back here from time to time?

It really feels like a native app other than the OS X dialogs that you mentioned and a few other very minor things like the Windows hot keys for copy & paste and command +Q not working.

Very excited you were able to make this happen!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.153 In reply to 4737.152 
Hi Shane,

> Is there a way to be notified of the new build or should
> I just check back here from time to time?

I don't really have any method set up to get an e-mail notification for stuff like that, so just checking back here every once in a while is the best way to find out about it.

> It really feels like a native app other than the OS X dialogs that
> you mentioned and a few other very minor things like the Windows
> hot keys for copy & paste and command +Q not working.

Yup, copy & paste using the Cmd key and Cmd+Q are on my list to address as well.

- Michael
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 From:  adamio
I successfully finished the first test project :)
Nothing to report besides what has already been said...I´m looking forward for the the next Beta with native OSX file dialogs.

AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB

MoIchael you Rock :)
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 From:  Paul (CLOUDRIDER)
4737.155 In reply to 4737.153 

Thanks a bunch for providing a Mac version, I am long time user and since I recently switched to Macs (MacAIr, IMac, Mac Pro), I have really missed using MOI3D. All my older files have loaded and behaved well so far.

Thanks again.

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 From:  stevey3d
Been away... came back and a mac version! Tested and works perfectly :) 10.6.8 2.8 Core i7 Macbook Pro.

Thanks Michael :)
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 From:  Paul (CLOUDRIDER)

I have been using the Mac OSX version a bit more and I have run into some stability problems. My file size is 243.3 MB, and I have been getting frequent "insufficient memory" warnings when exporting, followed by objects missing in the files. I have been able to recover most of my work in the bak.3dm files that show up afterwards but it is getting a bit frustrating.

I am in the process of breaking this file into several smaller files to see if this helps. Just thought I would report the situation.

This is on a one year old MacPro 2x2.4 GHZ Quad core machine with 12 GB ram. Cheers
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.158 In reply to 4737.157 
Hi Paul, MoI is a 32-bit application and so it's only able to use about 4GB or so of your total memory.

When you get that insufficient memory warning when exporting, that means that there is not enough room in that 4GB to hold all the data that you have currently asked to generate.

There are a few things you can do to solve this.

One is that you already mentioned - break it down into some smaller files instead of one huge monster file.

Another one is that if you're only running out of memory when generating polygon mesh data to go into a polygon mesh format, you can do just the export in smaller chunks at a time instead of all at once. To do that select some set of objects and then use the File > Export command instead of File > Save As. The export command only writes the selected objects to the file instead of everything and generating meshes for only some subset of objects instead of all at once should also reduce peak memory load.

Another thing that can help reduce memory load with more complex models is to adjust a setting to make the display mesh rougher. By default MoI generates a pretty high density display mesh which makes objects look nicer but it can also consume quite a bit of memory when you have a whole lot of model data. See this previous post for the settings to adjust to make the display mesh density rougher:

- Michael
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 From:  Seb (SSZYSZKA)
4737.159 In reply to 4737.158 

Any plans to transition over to 64 bit?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.160 In reply to 4737.159 
Hi Seb,

> Any plans to transition over to 64 bit?

No, not anytime soon anyway. There is a lot of work involved to make that happen, including moving to a new compiler and updating various support libraries and stuff like that. The amount of work involved is substantial enough that I do not really expect to be able to undertake it anytime too soon.

- Michael
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 From:  Paul (CLOUDRIDER)
4737.161 In reply to 4737.158 

Thanks for the tips. I was eventually able to get everything exported. In fact the geometry that was giving me the most difficulty was an imported step file, that had a very small spring inside one of the larger structures. I hid these, and it was fine.

I have attached a render I did in modo, so you have an idea of the complexity I was dealing with. This is a mock up of physics experiment I plan to build, I use MOI to quickly validate design and make sure everything will fit, how many pieces I need, etc.

I love your software and you are without a doubt brilliant, thanks again for existing!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.162 In reply to 4737.161 
Hi Paul, wow that is a lot of details, and what an amazing looking experiment! It is so cool that you're able to pre visualize it like this!

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Amazing shape indeed!

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
4737.164 In reply to 4737.161 
Awesome Paul! and a fantastic rendering!

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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