Deslection workflow
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.2 In reply to 2218.1 
Hi PaQ - what's happening there is that Ctrl+click is not handled any differently currently from just plain click with no modifiers.

Just clicking on a selected object a second time will deselect it, whether Ctrl is down or not. Except in the case of clicking on a solid it will drill in to select the subobject and then you have to deselect the subobject with an additional click like you're describing there.

I don't think it should be a problem to use Ctrl+click as an "always deselect" though, I'll give it a try. That probably fits in pretty well since Ctrl+window select is used as a deselection window already.

One other thing that I can do when Ctrl is down is to target only selected objects - currently when you have something like a selected curve nearby other unselected ones, a preference is given to targeting the unselected ones so that those will become selected when you click. I think I can reverse this preference when Ctrl is down to make deselection a little bit easier for crowded cases as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Good suggestion Pascal!

"One other thing that I can do when Ctrl is down is to target only selected objects"

This is would be an excellent behavior I think

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 From:  BurrMan
2218.4 In reply to 2218.3 
Is that kindof like "drill down" where when you have stacked objects and the top gets selected, you could hit the modifier and it would start drilling through?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.5 In reply to 2218.4 
Hi Burr - for this particular case the modifier is about removing selection from something that is already selected. So drill-down won't be applicable for this particular case.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
2218.6 In reply to 2218.2 
Hehe funny that ctrl is not needed to deselect think for the moment, was pushing this key for nothing since months :P

>>I don't think it should be a problem to use Ctrl+click as an "always deselect" though, I'll give it a try. That probably fits in pretty well since Ctrl+window select is used as a deselection window already.

Great !

>>One other thing that I can do when Ctrl is down is to target only selected objects.

Sounds perfect, that's how poly deselection works in modo for example :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.7 In reply to 2218.6 
Actually there is a problem with ctrl only targeting selected objects - that is in conflict with another already existing feature where you can hold down ctrl and drag on any object (including a currently unselected one) to drag off a copy of it.

I can make a Ctrl+ click be more "deselection-ish" like not doing drill-down (so that a single ctrl+click can deselect a brep) and turning off the regular preference for targeting unselected objects that are very nearby selected ones, but it doesn't look like I can make it completely ignore all unselected objects without losing the ctrl+drag on any object clone function.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok - so what I was able to do is to make a ctrl+click a sort of "deselection helper" type mode.

Normally when you select curves and edges there is a preference made for targeting unselected curves. This is so that you can do something like click in an area where several edges are radiating out from a central hub and select all the edges by clicking right near the hub point.

In the next beta when you hold down Ctrl this preference will be inverted, and preference will be made to target selected curves (which will deselect when clicked) when there are a bunch of other curves nearby. That should help quite a bit to deselect a curve when you've got a pretty dense area.

This actually helps out the ctrl+drag to copy, since there it will make it easier to drag out a copy of an already selected curve if you click in an area where there are a bunch of curves.

But you can still select things with Ctrl held down if you click on an object that is not nearby anything else - this is to allow for doing a copy by doing Ctrl+Drag on any object including an unselected one.

Then additionally holding down Ctrl prevents doing a drill-in selection so that makes it possible to deselect an already selected brep by doing one Ctrl+click on it.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
the "inverse selection" can't help for all these selections?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.10 In reply to 2218.9 
Hi Pilou,

> the "inverse selection" can't help for all these selections?

No, not really - for example if you have 4 objects selected and you want to change the selection so that only 3 of those same objects are selected. To do that you need to deselect just one specific one.

That works right now by clicking on the object you want to deselect, this change is just a helper to make some things with that work slightly easier.

Invert selection will not help for that particular case, but it is certainly useful for other kinds of case though.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
2218.11 In reply to 2218.8 
Hi Michael,

This helper looks like a good alternative for the 'deselect only selected stuffs', I have to admit I need to test it in real to have a better idea.
That's said, as far as the ctrl+click work to deselct a solid, it's just enough :) Thanks a lot for having spare some time to tweak this feature !
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
and right click?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.13 In reply to 2218.11 
Hi PaQ - yeah the curve deselect assistance part is rather subtle, you'll only really be able to notice a difference with that when you've got an area kind of crowded with curves.

The ctrl+click on a solid will definitely be more noticeable though.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.14 In reply to 2218.12 
Hi Pilou,

> and right click?

Nothing special on Ctrl+right click currently, right now it is the same as just regular right-click which is a shortcut for "Done" if in a command, or will repeat the last command if done in selection mode.

What do you think would be good for Ctrl+right click? I was thinking possibly of deselect all?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2218.15 In reply to 2218.14 
I have forgotten the right click for the repeat and believe that in Selection mode functions are disable ;)

Space bare don't deselect all / all select ? (or it's an personal shortcut?
and H = hide invert selection (or it's an personal shortcut?

Ps I am thinking of something
Maybe it will be fine to have with the F1 for the Help, a list of Shortkey by Default who arrived with the first Install of the prog?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.16 In reply to 2218.15 
Hi Pilou, yeah space bar or H are personal shortcuts that you have added in at some point.

The default shortcuts are pretty minimal:

F1 for help
Ctrl+A for select all
Ctrl+C for copy to clipboard
Ctrl+N for File/New
Ctrl+O for File/Open
Ctrl+S for File/Save
Ctrl+V for past from clipboard
Ctrl+X for cut to clipboard
Ctrl+Y redo
Ctrl+Z undo
Delete Delete

If you like to use shortcuts, then I generally assume that you'll want to add in personalized ones that suit what you want.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2218.17 In reply to 2218.16 
Minimal but useful to know it even some are classical ;)
I will add that on the wiki (on the FAQ ? because sections of the help are closed for Edit)

EDITED: 6 Dec 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.18 In reply to 2218.17 
Hi Pilou, probably not on the FAQ since that is for "Frequently" asked questions and this does not really come up frequently...

You could make a new keyboard shortcuts page if you think it is necessary.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2218.19 In reply to 2218.18 
OK, I will make that :)
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