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 From:  Ed
1225.8 In reply to 1225.7 
Michael - I wrote over the old file.

If I have an issue in the future I'll send the EPS export from Corel.

The original Corel drawing had several edits to the control points on the curved portion of the cutout. On the new version I just made a circle and a rectangle and subtracted to get the cut-out shape in Corel. Then saved as eps.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1225.9 In reply to 1225.8 
Hi Ed, well no big deal just in the future if you run into something similar it is a big help if you can send the problem file to me, that way I can see if I can fix things up to stop it from happening. Sometimes it is pretty hard to figure out what might have gone wrong without the actual example file in hand.

Your rendering in HyperShot is looking good! It seems like MoI and HyperShot make a pretty nice combination with one another.

For HyperShot rendering, you may find this OBJ editor utility useful from here: - that program can be used to tweak an .obj file written by MoI to make it easier to assign different materials to different sub portions of an object in HyperShot.

- Michael
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 From:  Ed
1225.10 In reply to 1225.9 
We'll do.

Yep - been using your separateOBJ program for assigning materials to my jewelry models when using HyperShot. Maybe that will become a "save-as" option?

The render above was saved directly out of the HyperShot "realtime" window. Took under 30 seconds for the render to complete after I stopped moving the object and the environmental HDR.

MoI + HyperShot under $400. Great, affordable combination. Both programs are new, so I expect even greater things to come in future revisions!

Note for potential users: HyperShot requires at least a dual core or multi-processor machine.

Marysville, Washington

EDITED: 2 Jan 2008 by ED

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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
1225.11 In reply to 1225.10 
Hi Ed,

The Hypershot render looks really nice. I downloaded the demo of Hypershot but haven't installed it yet. Is the dual core cpu an absolute must? I don't mind waiting on renders :) The only thing that seems a bit limiting with Hypershot is the small render size on the $200 version.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have also a very easy renderer as plugin inside the free Google Sketchup !
Podium :)
Here the object test of Steph without any regulate ! :) (30 seconds too)
Moi --> export format 3ds-->GoogleSketchup + Podium (free in 500*500 pixels images)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 2 Jan 2008 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1225.13 In reply to 1225.10 
Hi Ed, it would be really cool to see more jewelry stuff that you do with MoI + HyperShot in the future, please post them if you get a chance!

> Maybe that will become a "save-as" option?

Yup, for v2 it should get included more directly.

> Took under 30 seconds for the render to complete after I stopped moving the object and the environmental HDR.

The speed is definitely one of the cooler parts for it. Also just general ease of use since you can get nice looking lighting with the HDR maps without any fuss.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1225.14 In reply to 1225.11 
> Is the dual core cpu an absolute must?

Hi Mark, it seemed to work ok for me on a single core, but slower of course.

- Michael
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