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 From:  Michael Gibson
1217.22 In reply to 1217.21 
Hi Petr,

> Generally speaking, why windowing cannot deselect a selected object(?) When
> I pick the selected object it gets unselected. So why couldn't dragging selection
> window (both solid and dashed area selection box) deselect previously selected objects?

It's because of targeting multiple objects - sometimes when you do a window, you may want to do several overlapping windows to help you build up your final selection.

If previously selected objects inside the window became unselected, it would interfere with this - objects in the areas intersected by multiple windows would keep flipping their selection state instead of all staying selected.

> ..or....might it be possible to script an additional type of windowing and users could
> choose their own shortcut to initiate windowing which would work like - select
> unselected, deselect selected objects?

This is probably not too hard, I can give it a try when I get back.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1217.23 In reply to 1217.14 
Hi Petr,

Thanks for pointing this works also in Rhino.
Actually I found that in Xara (another well programmed software but for 2d vector illustration) there's a similar behavior, while pressing shift to add objects to selection, it ignores background objects when dragging a marquee.

It's small details that makes great tools!


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 From:  tyglik
1217.24 In reply to 1217.22 
Hi Michael,

Ok. That sounds reasonable to me.

And how do you feel about the possibility to pass the location of moi.ini file as an argument to moi.exe? I know the people who prefer different color settings when working daytime versus at night or it would be useful to keep the complete default look...

I also wish to have a separate undo/redo stack for "viewport changes" like in Rhino (Home/End).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1217.25 In reply to 1217.24 
> And how do you feel about the possibility to pass the location of
> moi.ini file as an argument to moi.exe?

Sounds like a good idea - in fact so good that it should be working already! :)

If you have spaces in any part of the .ini file name, make sure to surround it with " " quotes.

You should also be able to use this to specify the .ini on a network share so that copies of MoI on different machines can all use the same settings file.

Let me know if it doesn't seem to be working as expected.

> I also wish to have a separate undo/redo stack for "viewport changes" like in Rhino (Home/End).

I've added this one to the wiki wishlist.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
1217.26 In reply to 1217.25 
Hmm... Is it necessary to include some switch like /ini= or -i ?

For example, this doesn't seem to work.

"C:\Program Files\MoI beta Dec-28-2007\moi.exe" c:\moi.ini

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1217.27 In reply to 1217.26 
Hi Petr,

Oops - it is supposed to work like you have it there, but there is a bug messing it up. I have fixed it for the next (and probably final) patch which I am going to try and gather together tomorrow.

I also have things fixed up so that selection is restored if you do a cancel or undo. So for example if you select some edges and then run Fillet, and then cancel, the original edges will be selected again.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1217.28 In reply to 1217.17 
Hi Petr, re: window deselection - It is a little more complex than I want to deal with right now setting up a fully scriptable method (since you have to do stuff like wait for an initial click, etc..). But I have added the ability to use the Ctrl key to do deselection.

This will work with either a "normal" window started by clicking in open space, or with the shift+ctrl forced method that I mentioned earlier - after starting the forced window, release shift and keep ctrl down to make it do deselection instead.

The scriptable method will have to wait until v2 when I get a chance to jazz up more scripting stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1217.29 In reply to 1217.25 
> I also wish to have a separate undo/redo stack for "viewport changes"

This would be a great feature indeed.

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 From:  tyglik
1217.30 In reply to 1217.28 
Hi Michael, The deselection using the Ctrl key is really good choice... I think the scriptable method to do deselection is no longer necessary! -Petr
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