Here is a modified points.js file, as, which adds interpcurve to ConvertPts, as InterpCurve U, and InterpCurve V. (For NodeEditorPlus)
If desirable, this would replace points.js in NEPlus.
I'll leave it up to MO, whether to adopt this modification or not, and will delete this file for room, in a few days, either way.
I had to be extremely careful to spell the new words correctly. Failure for spellings to agree yields strange results, orange lights, etc.
Curve V and InterpCurve V just made a bunch of points in a pile in my test script.
I think that to re-used old node program assemblages, all nodes in them should be replaced with NEPlus version, even if they "look right".
Re-save the upgraded node program. Maybe even close and reload MoI. (not quite sure).
In my yarn knit node, the Curve U version had end tangents which were (slightly) not parallel to the xy plane, (z values differed).
The InterpCurve U version of the knit curve, the end tangents were of constant z, which enables array in the xy plane with smooth end connections.
- Brian
Edit, modified points.js file deleted. (MO says he will use it.)
I have switched to the Curves>curve node, as per MO