Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions
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 From:  Death
10465.29 In reply to 10465.28 
That answer is in the instructions...

5.) copy the "Reverse.png" image from the new "C:\Users\YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MoI\ui"
to the:
"C:\Program Files\Moi 4.0\ui" directory
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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.30 In reply to 10465.29 

that's exactly what I did. But that doesn't work on the Mac!

"/Users/pit/Library/Application Support/Moi/ui"

"/Users/pit/Programme/Moi 4.0/ui"

I did that.

EDITED: 14 Nov 2021 by PIETER

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 From:  Death
10465.31 In reply to 10465.30 
I don't know Macs, this was made for windows...

I assume the:

/Users/Pit/Programme/Moi 4.0/ui

is the actual folder where the MoI program resides on a Mac? If not, it needs to go to the actual Moi installation folder, NOT the user's folder.

Maybe somebody here with a Mac has an answer?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.32 In reply to 10465.30 
On Mac, right-click on the .app and on the menu that pops up choose "Show package contents". Then there is a "ui" symlink there that will take you to the ui folder which is located inside the app folder under Contents/Resources/ui .

The direct path if you have installed MoI v4.app inside of the /Applications folder is:

/Applications/MoI v4.app/Contents/Resources/ui

Note that on a Mac an .app is actually a folder but when you double click on an app it launches the app and doesn't open up the folder as normally happens with other folders. But to open up an app as a folder you can right click on it and choose "Show package contents".

- Michael
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 From:  Death
10465.33 In reply to 10465.17 

Regarding the easier install:

After having checked out a few installers available the last few days, I have come to the conclusion that it would be easier to write one myself.

I can now be found in a separate thread this one is getting too crowded...

The thread is:
Easy Installer Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

It creates everything automatically.

EDITED: 14 Nov 2021 by DEATH

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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.34 In reply to 10465.32 
Thanks Michael but I've already tried that, unfortunately without success.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.35 In reply to 10465.34 
Hi Pieter,

> Thanks Michael but I've already tried that, unfortunately without success.

Can you show a screenshot of where you have placed it?

- Michael
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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.36 In reply to 10465.35 
Hallo Michael kann es sein das ich noch die 90 Tage Test Version benutze?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.37 In reply to 10465.36 
Hi Pieter, it should work the same with the trial version.

- Michael
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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.38 In reply to 10465.37 
Hello Michael, here is the screenshot (hopefully the screenshot will also work).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.39 In reply to 10465.38 
Hi Pieter, I'm able to see your screenshot if I navigate directly to the image URL. I think that service isn't allowing images to be hotlinked from another web site.

So anyway yes that looks like you've got it in the correct place.

What does the place where it is supposed to show up look like? Is there a placeholder icon there? If not then there is probably another file that also needs to be updated to set up the button that then wants to use the image.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.40 In reply to 10465.38 
Hi Pieter, I think the file that uses the image is ViewControls.htm , so update that file as well, in the same folder.

- Michael
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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.41 In reply to 10465.40 
Hi Michael,

it worked now my moi is complete, you are my hero many thanks for your effort and patience !!!

Many greetings
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 From:  Pit (PIETER)
10465.42 In reply to 10465.20 
Hi Michael,
what do you mean when the Moi v 5 is to be bought?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.43 In reply to 10465.42 
HI Pieter, sorry I don't have any idea yet when v5 will be released. The beta test period hasn't even started yet but that should get going pretty soon.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt
10465.44 In reply to 10465.33 

I tried the installer and it worked.

But there are number of things I need to bring over from the existing MOI setup.

So for now I renamed the MOI AppData folders and my MOI was back EXCEPT it was still a dark scheme while mine was light.

What controls that?

Thanks much. Great work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.45 In reply to 10465.44 
Hi Frederick, that would be primarily controlled by the moi.css file inside the UI subfolder in the install. Try restoring that file back to the default version.

- Michael
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 From:  Death
10465.46 In reply to 10465.45 
just copy the original Moi.css (and maybe Moi.ini if you wan that too) from the (appdata/moi/ui directory back to the (appddata)Moi directory, i.e. one level up from the ui directory.
(The original Moi directory is the "Moi - Copy" directory that the installer created and backed up all your original moi stuff into)

EDITED: 10 Dec 2021 by DEATH

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 From:  fcwilt
10465.47 In reply to 10465.46 


To undo the install just for now I renamed the Moi folder to Moi - DARK and the Moi - Copy folder to Moi.

There is no UI folder in the Moi folder.

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 From:  jabber (JABBERMACY)
10465.48 In reply to 10465.47 
After I copied the .css file to MOI program directory (UI) I always get this error, how to fix?

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