New tips with SubD from Blender
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 From:  pafurijaz
10370.17 In reply to 10370.16 
Hello, and thanks for your interest, I hope to find the time to create some guidelines on this topic that I have been analyzing for years now, however, the summary of the procedure with Blender is very simple, but this implies that you also know the use of Blender.

In this case as mentioned above and in other discussions I have started regarding this topic it is that Moi3D has a subdivision conversion that does not support hard edges, but you can work around the problem in various ways, one of them is that you can divide the surfaces of subdivision in correspondence with the sharp edges you want to obtain in Moi3D, I have adapted my method to this and I can predict how I should do this.

Assuming basically that you have a model with sharp edges all you have to do is select these edges in edit mode and assign them a sharpening attribute. "edge mark sharp", and add a edge split modifier that will use this information of sharp edges and split them into export phase. when you apply the modifier with OBJ exporter add-on for Blender.

I recommend to do various experiments and you can better understand how Moi3D works in creating surfaces starting from meshes for the subdivision surfaces, however as soon as I can I try to give a brief guide but I hope that others can now help you and give you some indications on how to do it.

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 From:  feirui445
10370.18 In reply to 10370.17 
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