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 From:  BurrMan
10114.80 In reply to 10114.79 
So MoI will do that same fillet, and hit the same limit.

MoI though, hits a limit that the other image has success with. When the outer edge of the square is incorporated in there, then the 2 separate fillets hitting each other also limit, where the shapemanager fillet will eat each other to a point...
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 From:  Zooen
Hi, In some software it is possible to configure shortcuts with two letters. I have always found it very practical to discriminate between the different functions and this considerably increases the possibilities: 26² = 676 possibilities!?.
In addition, it allows to create mnemonic shortcuts, R - Rotate and RA - RotateAxis, op - Open, of - Offset, etc.

Of course this is not a priority.

Have a nice day
- Zooen

EDITED: 26 Mar 2021 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.82 In reply to 10114.81 
You have yet the solution to make a little text file list with any function
then Copy Past the function that you want after the Press TAB! ;)

Rustic but efficient :)
And no problem of memory headache :)
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 From:  mdesign
I would like to ask about adding short notes to objects. I do some operations over object and I don`t remember values which I`ve put there. When I`m doing corrections I always wonder what values should I put because I don`t remember what I`ve put there last time. So I write on paper some number. I wonder if it would be possible to add short notes feature which would be attached to object name.

I would like also ask about adding folders to object names and maybe coloring those folders on bigger files.

What do you think about it?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.84 In reply to 10114.83 
Hi mdesign, could you please describe a bit more about what you mean by "coloring those folders on bigger files" ?

- Michael
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 From:  mdesign
10114.85 In reply to 10114.84 
Sure. I am mainly SubD modeler but lately I do more and more cad works. When I work layer colors are important in my workflow because after many hours of working I`m not seeing very well.
So I colorize things. Red color is means for me it`s latest version of object. White color for me are boolean cutters. Other colors means helpers and temp meshes. When I started to do bigger project in MoI I`ve found that I need those coloring feature. I don`t know is it good for MoI or not.
I only say that for me foders and colors are helpful. I feel that notes would be also helpful when you would like to repeat operation once again and you don`t remember past values.

edit: please note also that Modo layers are written bolder text when on layer is present some geometry. If layer are written with thin text (like in my example above) it means that those layers are empty. In MoI there is no such a problem because without geometry is no object :) - no empty layers (what is not bad).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.86 In reply to 10114.85 
HI mdesign, thanks for the additional info. Folders definitely make sense to me but the colors seem pretty weird, I'll have to let that settle in for a while.

- Michael
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 From:  beanworks
10114.87 In reply to 10114.27 
for what its worth I really like the way MOI styles work. I prefer it to layers any day. Carry on.

One more thing:

Would you ever consider implementing a feature set for mating surfaces, motion constraints, and simple simulations to analyze part interference? Its possibly the only thing I really miss about working in Solidworks.

EDITED: 24 Mar 2021 by BEANWORKS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.88 In reply to 10114.87 
Hi beanworks,

> Would you ever consider implementing a feature set for mating surfaces, motion constraints,
> and simple simulations to analyze part interference? Its possibly the only thing I really miss
> about working in Solidworks.

That's not an area I have much experience or expertise in so sorry no simulation and interference testing is not likely to be a direct function in MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  mdesign
10114.89 In reply to 10114.88 
What about only position/align parts with face-face way with given offset value:
It`s used in assemblies but I think it would be also nice way of positioning things when you hit two faces and both objects are aligned perpendicularly according both selected faces. It works nicely also on circular faces (f.e. bolts in holes).

I know there are many ways of doing that but having that feature with present offset value could be also useful IMO.

If you have Rhino then you should consider buying Bongo for IK mechanical animation:
It`s animation not simulation but I think it`s quite similar.

If you don`t have Rhino then maybe FreeCAD will be able to simulate MoI3d models as you want:
version 0.19 of FreeCAD was released few days ago and it`s quite nice to try (and free).
I`ve tried it lately because I wanted to use it together with MoI3d and Rhino.
I`ve imported some MoI3d parts into FreeCAD as step files and it worked quite well.


EDITED: 25 Mar 2021 by MDESIGN

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 From:  mdesign
@Michael: one more thing :) I`ve thought also about adding something to show naked edges as built-in solution (button) not external script. I think it would be easier for newbies for tracing geometry errors.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.91 In reply to 10114.89 
Hi mdesign,

> What about only position/align parts with face-face way with given offset value:

Do you mean as a transform tool or as a constraint in a constraint solving system like in the vid you linked?

You can do it as a transform tool currently using the Transform > Orient command. To get your offset value, before you pick the base point type in r0,0,offset (like r0,0,5 for offset of 5) and that will alter the base point to be at +5 along the base face's surface normal.

Here's an example orienting 2 parts by face-face picks with offset value of 25:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.92 In reply to 10114.90 
Hi mdesign,

> @Michael: one more thing :) I`ve thought also about adding something to show naked edges as built-in solution (button)
> not external script. I think it would be easier for newbies for tracing geometry errors.

There is a built in function for it in v4 currently, under the detailed object properties dialog.

It gives a report in there on the number of joined and naked edges in an object and all of the labels in the report are clickable, if you click on any of them it will select the corresponding objects.

In v5 there will be another way to do it as well using the Scene Browser. There will be various sub types like you'll be able to go under Edges and use the entry for Naked edges to target them.

- Michael
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 From:  mdesign
Double wow :). Thanks Michael. I haven`t known about those features. Thank you so much for showing me those movies :) I like both very much.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
10114.94 In reply to 10114.87 

Mechanical animation and motion constraints in Blender (free but... :) :) )
Universal joint:made in Moi,export FBX to Blender
Mechanically correct,it works in realty ;)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And why not the Elephant nodal system inside Moi itself ? ;)

By R2D3 http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=7777.799

The general system

The "Macro" ;)
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 From:  mdesign
10114.96 In reply to 10114.94 
Very nice. Was it hard to do it? Have you used some additional plugin for that or only pure Blender?
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 From:  mdesign
10114.97 In reply to 10114.95 
I like it much but it looks very complicated to build from scratch, especially in French :)

I look for similar solution for making mechanical animations/simulations like that but I would like to see it more straightforward for "sunday" mechanical animator where buttons help you choose presets and leads you to the goal without braining too much ;).
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
10114.98 In reply to 10114.85 
I like the suggestion by mdesign above to use Folders as a grouping mechanism. Seems like it would fit in well with the existing UI.

For example, I'm currently modeling a car in MoI. Each wheel has 56 spokes, a rim, a hub, a cap and a tire. Sixty objects, currently assigned to 5 colors.

Would be great to group those into a Folder called Wheel. Ability to Lock/Unlock & Hide/Unhide as usual. If un-locked, any Alignment Tool applied to the Folder would automatically default to "Move as Group".

If we had sub-folders, each of the 4 wheel folders could be in a folder called Wheels.

And as mdesign suggested, folders would be great for consolidating and holding extrusion curves, cutting objects, trimming curves, etc.

Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
10114.99 In reply to 10114.96 
100% Blender, no plug in or add-ons
No bones ik, just constraints
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