Hey Frenchy,
""""""""""""What version ? """""""""""""""""""
Yup. $200. Hadn't looked in awhile and I'm on version 10. So back in version 10 you could get it for $99 when they were in ownership transition...
But $200 is still insanely cheap for the acis kernel and It's fillet ability.
So the difference would be, shapemanager is offering that realtime push pull of the fillet. A huge time saver if you are just randomly pushing fillets around all day to look at various result.
The viacad engine still needs a value entered, and will throw various errors when it hits limits, that you have to back out of, where the shapemanager just "stops", or presents a non destructive error) etc... (At least in Version 10. I don't have or haven't looked at the newer version since then)
But you still have to learn the shapemanager filleter too... It doesn't come without limitations.
BTW: The best filleter I have found over time is Spaceclaim. It's also the ACIS Kernel......