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 From:  mdesign
10114.66 In reply to 10114.64 
Sorry, I`ve repaired my link
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.67 In reply to 10114.65 
same number for me :)
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 From:  Phiro
Same for me too... 2.2.14

Too bad that autodesk stop the 123D products.
They were simple and easy to use.
Now they push Fusion 360, more complex and more technical oriented.
Artistic design is not the target of Autodesk...

123D Design was a good tool to do complex filetting...
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 From:  mdesign
10114.69 In reply to 10114.68 
Would it be possible to have same filleting in MoI3d or it`s too hard to implement. 123D was based on many open source docs. I`ve wondered maybe if that filleting algorithms from 123Design are also published it would be possible to have same in MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.70 In reply to 10114.69 
Hi mdesign, that particular area of 123D was not based on an open source library, it used Autodesk's proprietary Shape Manager geometry kernel. Shape Manager is a fork of the also proprietary ACIS geometry kernel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShapeManager).

So no it is not possible for it to be used in MoI. Autodesk does not license Shape Manager for use in non-Autodesk apps. ACIS is available to be licensed but it's pretty expensive, it's more oriented around higher cost "Enterprise" level software. It could be possible that MoI would use ACIS at some point but sort of as a last resort.

Robust filleting does not really come from implementing a single algorithm well, it's about recognizing and handling a lot of different kinds of special cases for different corner juncture conditions. It takes many many man-years of effort to produce a robust one.

- Michael
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 From:  mdesign
10114.71 In reply to 10114.70 
Thanks, Michael. Understood.
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 From:  BurrMan
10114.72 In reply to 10114.71 
My fillet companion for MoI is punchcad viacad...

Its the acis kernel for around 100.

I can do the filleting you show above, in that..
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.73 In reply to 10114.72 
What version ? I see 200 to 700 $
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Hello Michael,

Thank you for all that you do.
This is just a respectful reminder from message 10194.12.

Some method whereby one might set a formula to manipulate the Dimensions' Numeric Value.

Your wonderful software and support are legendary.
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 From:  BurrMan
10114.75 In reply to 10114.73 
Hey Frenchy,
""""""""""""What version ? """""""""""""""""""

Yup. $200. Hadn't looked in awhile and I'm on version 10. So back in version 10 you could get it for $99 when they were in ownership transition...

But $200 is still insanely cheap for the acis kernel and It's fillet ability.

So the difference would be, shapemanager is offering that realtime push pull of the fillet. A huge time saver if you are just randomly pushing fillets around all day to look at various result.

The viacad engine still needs a value entered, and will throw various errors when it hits limits, that you have to back out of, where the shapemanager just "stops", or presents a non destructive error) etc... (At least in Version 10. I don't have or haven't looked at the newer version since then)

But you still have to learn the shapemanager filleter too... It doesn't come without limitations.

BTW: The best filleter I have found over time is Spaceclaim. It's also the ACIS Kernel......
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.76 In reply to 10114.75 
I have the free 123D and the Space Claim light DesignSparks Mechanical who have i believe the same kernel! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  Cuboctahedron
I'd love to be able to have persistent construction lines that act like a subclass of regular lines. Yes, I can just have a specific style for construction lines, but this would be more convenient. Bonus points if construction lines are tied to the objects they reference and move with them. One could even posit preventing options that make the construction line's relation no longer true, allowing for at least some types of modeling constraints.
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 From:  BurrMan
10114.78 In reply to 10114.76 
Notice the limit....


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.79 In reply to 10114.78 
Seems normal that a limit was existing somewhere...

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  BurrMan
10114.80 In reply to 10114.79 
So MoI will do that same fillet, and hit the same limit.

MoI though, hits a limit that the other image has success with. When the outer edge of the square is incorporated in there, then the 2 separate fillets hitting each other also limit, where the shapemanager fillet will eat each other to a point...
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 From:  Zooen
Hi, In some software it is possible to configure shortcuts with two letters. I have always found it very practical to discriminate between the different functions and this considerably increases the possibilities: 26² = 676 possibilities!?.
In addition, it allows to create mnemonic shortcuts, R - Rotate and RA - RotateAxis, op - Open, of - Offset, etc.

Of course this is not a priority.

Have a nice day
- Zooen

EDITED: 26 Mar 2021 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.82 In reply to 10114.81 
You have yet the solution to make a little text file list with any function
then Copy Past the function that you want after the Press TAB! ;)

Rustic but efficient :)
And no problem of memory headache :)
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 From:  mdesign
I would like to ask about adding short notes to objects. I do some operations over object and I don`t remember values which I`ve put there. When I`m doing corrections I always wonder what values should I put because I don`t remember what I`ve put there last time. So I write on paper some number. I wonder if it would be possible to add short notes feature which would be attached to object name.

I would like also ask about adding folders to object names and maybe coloring those folders on bigger files.

What do you think about it?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.84 In reply to 10114.83 
Hi mdesign, could you please describe a bit more about what you mean by "coloring those folders on bigger files" ?

- Michael
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 From:  mdesign
10114.85 In reply to 10114.84 
Sure. I am mainly SubD modeler but lately I do more and more cad works. When I work layer colors are important in my workflow because after many hours of working I`m not seeing very well.
So I colorize things. Red color is means for me it`s latest version of object. White color for me are boolean cutters. Other colors means helpers and temp meshes. When I started to do bigger project in MoI I`ve found that I need those coloring feature. I don`t know is it good for MoI or not.
I only say that for me foders and colors are helpful. I feel that notes would be also helpful when you would like to repeat operation once again and you don`t remember past values.

edit: please note also that Modo layers are written bolder text when on layer is present some geometry. If layer are written with thin text (like in my example above) it means that those layers are empty. In MoI there is no such a problem because without geometry is no object :) - no empty layers (what is not bad).

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