V5 Wish List
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.630 In reply to 10114.629 
@ Chri C'est une sorte de moulinette à formats très pratique!
Et son catalogue "mondial" d'objets en direct est un must! ;)

Free Pconplanner
Multi formast converter very useful!
And objects catalog in diect a must!
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 From:  Elang
Hi, Michael...

Haven't heard from you for several days now.
We're sincerely hope you're doing just fine.


EDIT : NVM... Found you in other thread. ^^
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.632 In reply to 10114.631 
Hi Elang, I have implemented a new viewport rotation mode "Rotate around cplane z axis" which I hope will do what you were asking for above.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Elang
10114.633 In reply to 10114.632 
Very much appreciated, Michael !
Thank you very much.

You're the best. *thumbsup*

PS: I assume it will be available in the next beta release?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.634 In reply to 10114.633 
Hi Elang, you're welcome!

> PS: I assume it will be available in the next beta release?

Yes, that's correct. It will be a new option under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > "Rotation style".

- Michael
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 From:  co3Dprints (BRUMMETT)
I have a couple of tiny wishes but hey it's a wishlist.

1. by default not having the ratios linked on new objects (maintain proportions) when you want to change the X axis length for instance. Always another click to turn that off and think it should be off to begin with. Think most users rarely make squares vs rectangles.

2. Sure there is a hotkey but switching units e.g. inches to millimeters would be great as a button in gui. Sometimes if you undo halfway, the object will not scale back or forward to what it should be (gets stuck trying to scale to new base unit). I have it always set that I can work in realworld scale and if I want to model in inches, the model scales from metric to imperial without physically changing it's size. Not sure why anyone would ever want different.

3. I like that if I'm in inches I can still input Xmm's and that adjusts and vice-versa . However most people are measuring a diameter as opposed to a radius. For instance when putting a caliper to something. I wish diameter was the default and I wish I could input while in inches as my base unit ~ 50.8mm/2 or 25.8mm*.5 or 25.4mm_D for diameter or have a simple toggle in that field that activates diameter input instead of radius.

Love moi for many years :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.636 In reply to 10114.635 
Hi co3Dprints,

> 1. by default not having the ratios linked on new objects (maintain proportions) when you want
> to change the X axis length for instance.

If you put the attached file SetEditSizeMenuUniform.js into the appdata startup folder, you should then have "Maintain proportions" unchecked initially.

> 2. Sure there is a hotkey but switching units e.g. inches to millimeters would be great
> as a button in gui.

It's in the UI under Options > General > "Unit system" .

> For instance when putting a caliper to something. I wish diameter was the default

You can make diameter the default by editing moi.ini (Options > General > "Edit .ini file" button) and set:

> <....> or have a simple toggle in that field that activates diameter input instead of radius.

There is a toggle for switching a radius field between radius or diameter input by clicking the label with the "cycler" arrow to the left of the field:

Hope that helps!

- Michael

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 From:  co3Dprints (BRUMMETT)
10114.637 In reply to 10114.636 
Wow, so versatile. I took a deeper dive on moi settings years ago but wrongly, just figured it wasn't customizable on the gui items I was asking for. Excellent and thanks for showing this!

Love this app.



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