V5 Wish List
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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
In the new object details / user text:
Can "add" button be always set to append?

Say a user puts in 10 key value rows and then fills
these in, then later, to add the 11th value
"add" puts the new row data set at the top of the list.

Alternative feature consideration: up/down arrows
could re-order the key values ( data rows ).
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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
10114.618 In reply to 10114.617 
Implement a way to jump straight into "DETAILS" of the object
from the scene browser, maybe right click, double click
or treble click. Does not matter how, matters its quick.

Result: Save users going to select objects on screen
and go to top right of interface "details button".
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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)

Consider check box
"use moi color background settings [viewport]"
This uses color value from: options/view/colors/background color
Puts a colored layer behind all other MOI objects on the pdf

Gives users sharp objects / clean vectors output
where the output looks exactly "as is" (or sharper)
than is on the MOI display port.

Arguably better than taking screenshots.
Effectively means the pdf output matches your
screen colors - so in the pdf options "shaded objects" are
selected and shown in front of your "viewport background color"

maybe two ways could be considered and both implemented:
Option 1. "AUTO"
Writes in moi viewport color on pdf export as back pdf layer.
this would allow for all sorts of pdf output sizes...
Option 2. "Presentation PDF"
refers to a pdf holder file in a moi folder and merges
moi content ontop of a:
Reference PDF which is created in another programme,
and is effectively used as "watermark" - allows branding etc.

Option 2 - would likely be used if setting output always
to single paper size say A4 - unless the moi pdf export had ways to pick
the pdf "watermark file" in a system folder.
Note this can be manually achieved in a clunky manner;

simply create a massive planar shape behind the moi objects in the
desired viewport, and colour it same as the: options/view/colors/background color

Use a paid pdf printer and reprint the moi pdfs ontop of a new
background or "watermark". Adobe printer has this paid.
As does Bullzip pdf printer. Thats a two step process
and exactly what im trying to avoid.


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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)

Text only "dims" can often loose contrast making "such important"
dimension information (usually for manufacturers) hard to see.

Allow "rect" call out features to have a background colour
assigned and consider other shapes, allow a "circular" or maybe "circular and square" etc.
Some examples of call out styles:

Very useful if annotating dims and or leader
right on top of colored 2D and 3D objects.

Clunky Workaround, can use a reversed font, like this:




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 From:  christian (CHRI)

it would be good to be able to export in SKP version 2017 which is the latest free version of SKETCHUP.

( l serait bien de pouvoir exporter en version SKP 2017 qui est la dernière version gratuite de SKETCHUP )

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.622 In reply to 10114.621 
you can use the Free Pcon Planner for have any versions of SKetchUp format export! ;)

https://pcon-solutions.com/fr/pcon-planner/ (here the French version! ;)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.623 In reply to 10114.617 
Hi stefano,

> In the new object details / user text:
> Can "add" button be always set to append?

It's set up to work the same as the keyboard shortcut list.

When you add in a new one it's put at the top because that's closest to the "Add" button. It makes it easier to see what is going on as a result of pushing the button.

The next time the dialog is opened they will be displayed in alphabetical order, not in the order they were added.

> Alternative feature consideration: up/down arrows
> could re-order the key values ( data rows ).

To keep it simple it just uses alphabetical ordering.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.624 In reply to 10114.618 
Hi stefano,

> Implement a way to jump straight into "DETAILS" of the object
> from the scene browser, maybe right click, double click
> or treble click. Does not matter how, matters its quick.
> Result: Save users going to select objects on screen
> and go to top right of interface "details button".

You can set up a keyboard shortcut to open the "Details..." dialog by putting in this for the "Command" part of the shortcut key:

script: /* Show Details... */ moi.ui.createDialog( 'ObjectPropertiesDialog.htm', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:700,defaultHeight:500' );

The Detailed object properties dialog shows the properties of the current selected objects.

If you want an item in the scene browser to become the single selected object you can do that by right clicking on the selection dot.

A left click on the selection dot in the scene browser toggles selection of just that object on or off without changing any others. A right click selects that item and deselects everything else.

So with this set up you would do a shortcut key and then a right click on the scene browser item, you won't need to select in the viewport or move your mouse to the "Details..." button.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.625 In reply to 10114.621 
Hi Chri,

> it would be good to be able to export in SKP version 2017 which is the latest free version of SKETCHUP.

In MoI v5 there is a setting in moi.ini that you can use to control the version of the SKP file.

It's under:

Try setting that to:

The allowable versions are slightly different between the Mac and Windows MoI versions, on Mac you can set it to SU2017 and up to SU2021

On Windows currently the max is SU2016, I'll see if can remove this different limit for Windows.

- Michael
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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
10114.626 In reply to 10114.624 
thanks for the clarifications Michael - makes sense !
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 From:  Elang
Hi, Michael

Can we have z axis in custom CPlane always pointed to 'the sky' (absolute above) in 3D view? That's we keep the 'Rotation Style' to 'Rotate around world Z axis' within Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom Options menu.

in this screenshot, the selected face will be better if facing to the sky in 3D view, i.e.: the TOP of cplane becomes the world z axis (temporarily), or in simple way: the z axis locked as the vertical axis in custom cplane 3D view.

The current state is quite 'dis-orienting' when we rotate the view around. And even better, the '3D' label will go like '3D (cplane)' like the other ortho views.

I do hope i've made myself clear.

Thank you very much in advance and pardon my English.


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 From:  christian (CHRI)
10114.628 In reply to 10114.625 
HI Michael

Setitng SUModelVersion=SU2016 works fine

thanks tou very much for your help and this magnificent soft

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 From:  christian (CHRI)
10114.629 In reply to 10114.622 
Thanks Pilou
Excuse me, I hadn't seen your reply.

Merci Pilou
Excuses moi, je n'avait pas vu ta réponse.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.630 In reply to 10114.629 
@ Chri C'est une sorte de moulinette à formats très pratique!
Et son catalogue "mondial" d'objets en direct est un must! ;)

Free Pconplanner
Multi formast converter very useful!
And objects catalog in diect a must!
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 From:  Elang
Hi, Michael...

Haven't heard from you for several days now.
We're sincerely hope you're doing just fine.


EDIT : NVM... Found you in other thread. ^^
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.632 In reply to 10114.631 
Hi Elang, I have implemented a new viewport rotation mode "Rotate around cplane z axis" which I hope will do what you were asking for above.

Thanks, - Michael
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 From:  Elang
10114.633 In reply to 10114.632 
Very much appreciated, Michael !
Thank you very much.

You're the best. *thumbsup*

PS: I assume it will be available in the next beta release?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.634 In reply to 10114.633 
Hi Elang, you're welcome!

> PS: I assume it will be available in the next beta release?

Yes, that's correct. It will be a new option under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > "Rotation style".

- Michael
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 From:  co3Dprints (BRUMMETT)
I have a couple of tiny wishes but hey it's a wishlist.

1. by default not having the ratios linked on new objects (maintain proportions) when you want to change the X axis length for instance. Always another click to turn that off and think it should be off to begin with. Think most users rarely make squares vs rectangles.

2. Sure there is a hotkey but switching units e.g. inches to millimeters would be great as a button in gui. Sometimes if you undo halfway, the object will not scale back or forward to what it should be (gets stuck trying to scale to new base unit). I have it always set that I can work in realworld scale and if I want to model in inches, the model scales from metric to imperial without physically changing it's size. Not sure why anyone would ever want different.

3. I like that if I'm in inches I can still input Xmm's and that adjusts and vice-versa . However most people are measuring a diameter as opposed to a radius. For instance when putting a caliper to something. I wish diameter was the default and I wish I could input while in inches as my base unit ~ 50.8mm/2 or 25.8mm*.5 or 25.4mm_D for diameter or have a simple toggle in that field that activates diameter input instead of radius.

Love moi for many years :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.636 In reply to 10114.635 
Hi co3Dprints,

> 1. by default not having the ratios linked on new objects (maintain proportions) when you want
> to change the X axis length for instance.

If you put the attached file SetEditSizeMenuUniform.js into the appdata startup folder, you should then have "Maintain proportions" unchecked initially.

> 2. Sure there is a hotkey but switching units e.g. inches to millimeters would be great
> as a button in gui.

It's in the UI under Options > General > "Unit system" .

> For instance when putting a caliper to something. I wish diameter was the default

You can make diameter the default by editing moi.ini (Options > General > "Edit .ini file" button) and set:

> <....> or have a simple toggle in that field that activates diameter input instead of radius.

There is a toggle for switching a radius field between radius or diameter input by clicking the label with the "cycler" arrow to the left of the field:

Hope that helps!

- Michael

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