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 From:  Sönke (S-LUDWIG)
10114.598 In reply to 10114.596 
Thanks, I didn't realize that, good to know! This definitely has its advantages over the proposed orbit mode. On the other hand, a navigation mode like that would be more dynamic (less clicks/mode switches) and is very popular in all kinds of 3D software, so IMO it would still make sense - especially considering that there are already multiple alternative modes and it wouldn't really add complexity to the UI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.599 In reply to 10114.593 
Hi Sönke, thanks for this feedback.

> - Have the Objects/Type/Styles sections already open at startup (or remember their state across starts)

See here for how to set that up:

> - Option to separate the Construct/Transform sections: I personally find myself switching between the two
> frequently and for 27" or larger screens there is enough vertical space to make both directly accessible

For separating all of them, see here:

For separating just Construct/Transform here:

> - Configure some default keyboard shortcuts for various frequently used tools: This greatly
> increases the efficiency and it's kind of hard to find out the right commands for configuring
> those manually

There is a list of command names here:

The design for shortcut keys in MoI is that only a basic set common to all apps like copy/paste are defined by default. Other shortcuts can be defined by the user according to their preferences.

MoI was actually designed initially to be able to function without needing the keyboard at all.

- Michael
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 From:  大道刀 (SUIYAN)
10114.600 In reply to 10114.595 
HI Pilou

可能你需要覆盖一下SidePane1.htm文件到D:\Program Files\MoI 5.0\ui
(Perhaps you need to overwrite the SidePane1.htm file to D: \ Program Files \ MoI 5.0 \ ui)

并重新设置快捷键(And reset the shortcut keys):script: var panel = null; try { panel = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/SidePane1.htm' ); } catch(e){} if ( panel ) { panel.moiWindow.close(); } else { moi.ui.createDialog( 'SidePane1.htm' ); }

有时可能需要重新设置以能够正确调用(Sometimes it may be necessary to reset to be able to call correctly)
(It may also be just a problem with your shortcut key settings. I have encountered such a problem before. Please reset the shortcut key first, and do not replace SidePane1.htm recklessly to avoid new problems (sometimes both values can be called, but only one value can be guaranteed to not be invalid. You need this value.)



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.601 In reply to 10114.600 
In fact seems i had an old version of the SidePane1.htm !

But thx for the infos!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
I'd love to see one thing in particular...

Open/Save as 3DM Version 7. Currently, I'm having to use converters to open V7 3DMs converted to V5, and they don't always work well. Having this ability natively would be a huge boon.
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