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 From:  Sönke (S-LUDWIG)
10114.597 In reply to 10114.594 
> Why don't use this sort of floating window ?

That might be an alternative, although it makes sense to use the space that is already available in the side bar. But, although I know that you can customize a lot, I think it would be nice to have a few basic things available by default, as my guess (could be wrong of course) is that most users don't even go as far as using a pre-made script.
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 From:  Sönke (S-LUDWIG)
10114.598 In reply to 10114.596 
Thanks, I didn't realize that, good to know! This definitely has its advantages over the proposed orbit mode. On the other hand, a navigation mode like that would be more dynamic (less clicks/mode switches) and is very popular in all kinds of 3D software, so IMO it would still make sense - especially considering that there are already multiple alternative modes and it wouldn't really add complexity to the UI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.599 In reply to 10114.593 
Hi Sönke, thanks for this feedback.

> - Have the Objects/Type/Styles sections already open at startup (or remember their state across starts)

See here for how to set that up:

> - Option to separate the Construct/Transform sections: I personally find myself switching between the two
> frequently and for 27" or larger screens there is enough vertical space to make both directly accessible

For separating all of them, see here:

For separating just Construct/Transform here:

> - Configure some default keyboard shortcuts for various frequently used tools: This greatly
> increases the efficiency and it's kind of hard to find out the right commands for configuring
> those manually

There is a list of command names here:

The design for shortcut keys in MoI is that only a basic set common to all apps like copy/paste are defined by default. Other shortcuts can be defined by the user according to their preferences.

MoI was actually designed initially to be able to function without needing the keyboard at all.

- Michael
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 From:  大道刀 (SUIYAN)
10114.600 In reply to 10114.595 
HI Pilou

可能你需要覆盖一下SidePane1.htm文件到D:\Program Files\MoI 5.0\ui
(Perhaps you need to overwrite the SidePane1.htm file to D: \ Program Files \ MoI 5.0 \ ui)

并重新设置快捷键(And reset the shortcut keys):script: var panel = null; try { panel = moi.ui.getUIPanel( 'moi://ui/SidePane1.htm' ); } catch(e){} if ( panel ) { panel.moiWindow.close(); } else { moi.ui.createDialog( 'SidePane1.htm' ); }

有时可能需要重新设置以能够正确调用(Sometimes it may be necessary to reset to be able to call correctly)
(It may also be just a problem with your shortcut key settings. I have encountered such a problem before. Please reset the shortcut key first, and do not replace SidePane1.htm recklessly to avoid new problems (sometimes both values can be called, but only one value can be guaranteed to not be invalid. You need this value.)



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.601 In reply to 10114.600 
In fact seems i had an old version of the SidePane1.htm !

But thx for the infos!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
I'd love to see one thing in particular...

Open/Save as 3DM Version 7. Currently, I'm having to use converters to open V7 3DMs converted to V5, and they don't always work well. Having this ability natively would be a huge boon.
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 From:  saltab
Hi Michael,

I just started using the property preset in the dimensions setting. It is actually a very useful feature!

Would it be possible to apply the preset to existing dimensions? Currently, if a select one and then click on details to show the object properties, there is no option to apply a preset.

That would make possible to quickly update different dimensions at the same time.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.604 In reply to 10114.603 
Hi Salvatore,

> Would it be possible to apply the preset to existing dimensions?

I've added a button for this in the next v5 beta in the Options dialog:

- Michael

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 From:  pressure (PEER)
10114.605 In reply to 10114.604 
Thanks Michael. That will be nice!
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Might it be practical to facilitate the ability to swap the current selected objects from within the "Scene Browser Palette", either via a context menu or elsewise? This will be useful in order to invert a specific subset of the currently selected items. Presently one must control-click the tree-list item of interest to restrict the selection mechanism, invert select, and then remove the selection restriction. It would just be a lot quicker to right-click and choose such functionality. Also it would be nice to be able to collapse sections of the Scene-Browser-Palette with such menu.

Additionally, the "Details... Object Properties" dialog is very useful in refining object selection sets. While it is convenient to have the ability to rename an object from the name field of that dialog box, it is perhaps somewhat less than ideal that when more than one named-object is selected it, reports: "Name: (varies)". It would be really great to have a checkbox list instead, with which to further refine a selection set by removing specifically named items.

By the way, it should be noted that control-clicking a style or type in the Object Properties dialog removes it from the current selection set! This is very nice!

Thank you Michael for all that you do,


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.607 In reply to 10114.606 
Hi Mindset,

> It would just be a lot quicker to right-click and choose such functionality.

Right click on the selection dot is already being used for something else - it isolates the item removing selection from other things.

> Also it would be nice to be able to collapse sections of the Scene-Browser-Palette with such menu.

Could you maybe describe this a little more? How would collapsing like this be preferable to clicking on the +/- box?

> it is perhaps somewhat less than ideal that when more than one named-object is selected it,
> reports: "Name: (varies)". It would be really great to have a checkbox list instead, with which to
> further refine a selection set by removing specifically named items.

I'll see about having individual names reported similar to how it shows multiple styles.

- Michael
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 From:  saltab
10114.608 In reply to 10114.604 
Many thanks Michael!

That's great news! Would this new feature works just for dimensions or also for texts?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.609 In reply to 10114.608 
Hi Salvatore,

> That's great news! Would this new feature works just for dimensions or also for texts?

Should work on all annotation types, including dimensions, leaders and text objects.

- Michael
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
10114.610 In reply to 10114.607 
> Right click on the selection dot is already being used for something else - it isolates the item removing selection from other things.
Well, then might Shift-Right-Click invoke an inverse select … select all such "other" (unselected) things instead?.

> How would collapsing like this be preferable to clicking on the +/- box?
When the list is very long, I have to scroll to the +/- box

> I'll see about having individual names reported similar to how it shows multiple styles.
Once I click on a style, that style remains in the selection and all the other styles immediately disappear from the list.
Is there any way to do multiple selects of both styles and/or names?

Maybe a small button [⁝] could remain unaffected by scrolling to be ever available with a range of such functionalities and room for more in the future, rather than the context menu that I had initially suggested.

Moi Bueno

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.611 In reply to 10114.610 
Hi Mindset,

> Once I click on a style, that style remains in the selection and all the other styles
> immediately disappear from the list.
> Is there any way to do multiple selects of both styles and/or names?

Yes, if you hold down the Shift key before you click on a tag and keep Shift held down you can select other tags and they won't get triggered until you release the Shift key.

> When the list is very long, I have to scroll to the +/- box

Maybe clicking to the left of an item in the column of its parent's +/- box could trigger the parent's collapse. Although currently on items that have their own +/- box will target it when you click to the left.

Or there is currently a pop up menu when you click on the name, that has "Assign selection here" and "Rename" on it. Maybe a minus box to collapse it could go under the X on that menu.

- Michael
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 From:  saltab
Hi Michael,

Regarding the annotations, I wonder if it would be possible to add an arrow tool.

Currently, to do a simple arrow, I have to use a leader with blank text or, If I need a double arrow, use a linear dimension and modify it to remove the text and the dim extension. That's ok for the drawing but I don't like so much that it will mess up a bit the annotation types in the browser.

I think there should be a specific category in the browser for the arrows that goes inside Annotations.

I personally do not know which way would be better to implement this tool... It could be just a work around version of the dimension tool or something that allow you to select a line, a polyline or any open curve and apply the arrows. The first approach would be simpler however the second will allow you to draw Freeform arrows.

Finally, since there is a free spot in the Dim menu, can we add an icon for that tool? I believe it will perfectly complete the set!

Many thanks,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.613 In reply to 10114.612 
Hi Salvatore,

> Regarding the annotations, I wonder if it would be possible to add an arrow tool.

I've attached an Arrow script, instructions on installing a plug-in here.

It makes a leader with a property set on it so the arrowhead automatically turns to be flat toward the viewing direction.

- Michael

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 From:  saltab
10114.614 In reply to 10114.613 
Thanks Michael,

This is helpful! I really appreciate your quick response. However I think it would worth considering implementing a proper tool in the medium term.

As wrote before arrows should have their proper category in the browser and it would good to have the option for getting a double arrow. Moreover being able to draw curved arrows would be a plus... but I understand it may takes time.

Thanks anyway, I hope you liked my suggestion.

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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
10114.615 In reply to 10114.611 
> Yes, if you hold down the Shift key before you click on a tag and keep Shift held down you can select other tags and they won't get triggered until you release the Shift key.

*!* Hidden Secret
This is terrific❗ Moi is even better than WOW!

> ...there is currently a pop up menu when you click on the name, ...Maybe a minus box to collapse it could go under the X on that menu.

Yes, perhaps to collapse its parent, although to my experience - more importantly to collapse the entire section, whether Objects, Types, or Styles.

Thank you Michael.

Moi Bueno


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.616 In reply to 10114.615 
Hi MindSet,

> Yes, perhaps to collapse its parent, although to my experience - more importantly to collapse the
> entire section, whether Objects, Types, or Styles.

What about if a right click anywhere between the eye/lock status column and the item name, basically were the +/- boxes and tree lines live, would collapse the parent?

- Michael
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