Hi Rich,
> I guess the workflow efficiency of the SkUp command is once Shift is held down it manges
> the 'Project next pt' automatically, might be a drawback in the larger MoI scheme of things
> but definitely a time saver.
Workflow efficiency isn't necessarily of much value if it's on something that is not used very frequently.
What MoI's method loses in efficiency it gains in flexibility because a construction line is formed between 2 distinct points, the one where you begin the drag and the one where you release it. So you can form them between any 2 points and not only in an axis direction like SketchUp's hover method is limited to:
That's why MoI's construction lines have so much functionality like quickly get the midpoint between any 2 points, reflected ends, divisions between 2 points, capture and reapply distance. Those things aren't possible to get with SketchUp's snapping system.
If you want to increase efficiency, it is possible to set up a keyboard shortcut that will trigger "Project next pt" instead of bringing up the menu. To do that put this on to a shortcut key:
script: /* Project to construction line */ moi.drawingAids.constructionLineProject();
So then the process is: Drag out construction line, press shortcut key, pick reference point.
Another related kind of shortcut you can set up is one to turn on a "direction lock" for the 2nd pick of a line to lock it onto the current straight snap direction:
script: /* Direction lock */ var pp = moi.ui.getActivePointPicker(); if ( pp && pp.hasStraightSnap ) { pp.restrictToLinePtDir( pp.basePt, pp.straightSnapDir, true ); }
- Michael