I don't have time to provide drawings, but here is a quick summary: There are two systems of projection, for representing a 3D object in 2D; generally called the "British system" and the "American system". They are both "standards". They are both 'logical', in how they work. What is not very 'logical' is this: Assume the "Front view" is the front view of a car. In the British system, the left view will show the left side of the car. In the American system, the left view will show the right side of the car! I was taught the American system and used that until I left aerospace in 1998. So I feel safe in saying that the Brits got it right and the Yanks should have left well enough alone. You can adhere to a standard, but you have to decide which standard! Life is complicated. (For anyone who wants more info on the two systems, I am referring to 'The Motor Vehicle', by Newton, Steeds, and Garrett, tenth edition, 742 pages, Chapter One: 'Engineering Drawings'.)