Hi pafurijaz,
> Maybe the possibility to crate shortcuts commands like in Autocad or Rhinoceros?
> e.g.
> OF --> space bar = offset
> BEV --> space bar = Bevel
> BOO --> space bar = boolean
> BOU --> space bar = boolean union
> BOD --> space bar = boolean difference
The method that I was referring to was about using multiple keys in sequence without needing to push Enter or Space, like:
BD = Boolean difference
BU = Boolean union
The way you're talking about isn't so much a keyboard shortcut, it's a "command alias". You can make those
right now in MoI if you want, in moi.ini set:
The first one will make your keystrokes go into the XYZ input without needing to push Tab first and the second one
makes the space work the same as Enter.
Then create a script file of your alias name like if you want OF + space bar = offset to work, make a file named
of.js inside the MoI appdata commands folder and put this inside it:
moi.command.execCommand( 'offset' );
With that in place then you can type of + space bar to run the offset command just as you are describing.
- Michael