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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.338 In reply to 10114.337 
Hello Dear Michael,

This is not a V5 wish however, I thought I have to post it here!

Why I cannot Extrude to point the red curves into the green point?

When I try to Extrude the red profile toward the green point it goes on a direction which is not my desired direction.

The final mesh's singularity point is a bit offset.

I hope I described the problem well.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.339 In reply to 10114.338 
Hi Psygorn,

> This is not a V5 wish however, I thought I have to post it here!

It would be good to start a separate topic for it if it is not related to this thread's subject.

> Why I cannot Extrude to point the red curves into the green point?

You can, there is an "Unlock direction" option you can click if you want to freely place the point somewhere not on the initial default tracking line:

Your point though is on a different z level than the curve, you probably need to position it at the right level before extruding to it.

- Michael

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Message 10114.340 deleted 28 Dec 2021 by BEMFARMER

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.341 In reply to 10114.339 
Thank you Michael,

it is funny but I did not even see the "Unlock Direction" button!

Thank you for guiding me.
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hello Michael,

I hope you are doing well, and happy new year in advance.

I just wanted to ask a question -out of curiosity- and others might have asked it before. however, I just thought to ask it here real quick.

Should we expect non-destructive modeling approach in MOI3D?

I know that one way of having non-destructive modeling is to use Nodeeditor (elephant) but I wanted to know if we could expect it inside of MOI3D itself.

Best and happy new year,

Psygorn (Drillbit)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.343 In reply to 10114.342 
Hi Psygorn,

> Should we expect non-destructive modeling approach in MOI3D?

I hope that eventually yes MoI would have that but there will be a lot of work to get there and so I don't know when it will happen.

It also has not been a high priority for MoI because there are many other already existing CAD programs that are already heavily focused on it.

If it's an important function for you I would recommend to use one of those CAD programs that are based on it, like SolidWorks, Alibre, OnShape, etc... alongside MoI instead of only MoI all by itself.

- Michael
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.344 In reply to 10114.343 
Hi Michael,

>I hope that eventually yes MoI would have that but there will be a lot of work to get there and so I don't know when it will happen.

Oh well that is great news.

My question was out of pure curiosity. :-)

Happy new year in advance :-)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hi Michael,

A quick question, could we have PCB circuit design features in MoI?
(I think that would boost up hobbyists capabilities by unimaginable folds! )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.346 In reply to 10114.345 
Hi Psygorn,

> A quick question, could we have PCB circuit design features in MoI?

Sorry no I don't expect for MoI to become a tool for that area of work. I don't have any experience in that field.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Some SUbD native functions ? (we have yet few ones by Max Smirnov and native SUD Import but...

EDITED: 5 Feb 2022 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.348 In reply to 10114.347 
Hi Pilou, I would like to add some relatively basic SubD tools. That's why there's a SubD tab on the side pane that can hold more stuff.

But I'm not sure when I will be able to focus on that, probably it won't be in v5.

It's not a top priority because there are a variety of sub-d modeling programs out there that you can already use to do that and use the converter to bring it over into MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  twofoot
Michael, I would absolutely LOVE to have some way to track what fonts were used in a drawing. I don't even care if it is simply a list with no reference to the actual text used. I sometimes need to go back and update a file I created months or years ago, and I'm left wondering "what the hell font did I use???".

A simple list of font calls for a particular drawing is my only request. Oh, and a better fillet engine as many have already stated. I'm tired of having to use Inventor to add fillets to a design I created in Moi.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.350 In reply to 10114.349 
Hi Chris, you can see what font is being used by a particular dimension by selecting it and clicking on the "Details..." button to bring up the detailed object properties dialog:

The font name will be shown here:

- Michael

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 From:  twofoot
10114.351 In reply to 10114.350 
Hi Michael. I meant when I use a font to create some "design" text in a drawing, not the dimension text. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.352 In reply to 10114.351 
Hi Chris,

> I meant when I use a font to create some "design" text in a drawing, not the
> dimension text. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Currently that isn't easily accessible like it is for dimension text. At some point I hope to store a deeper history that records everything you did to construct the current model and this should then be available in there.

- Michael
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 From:  christian (CHRI)

may be a new tool like FredoScale plugin from Fredo6, in SKETCHUP, to increase or decrease a part.

Click on the next Gif file to anim

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hello Michael,

1 - I hope you are doing well, I am not sure if they already asked you but I wanted to know if we could expect live Booleans or other live operations (such as live filleting live chamfering) in Moi 3D?

I have got another question as well, if you take a look at this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LUsjUKbrhU&t=1s ( I think this is a new app under development called "plasticity" )

He (Nick Kallen) creates a cylinder and then tweaks the top circle and the shape gets instant updated.

2- I wonder if this feature could be achieve by sweep method as a default I mean for example when a user creates a cylinder in Moi 3D using "Draw Solids" menu, Moi creates a cylinder using a base circle and then sweep it all the way up to the point user wants, so, when the user tweaks either circles or even at the ends the shape gets updated) What are your thoughts Michael? Could we expect such features in Moi?

I mean I think when we draw cylinder using "Draw Solids" menu the cylinder is created using extrude method (I think) . Could you change it to sweep method then tweaking it would be easier per say ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.355 In reply to 10114.354 
Hi Psygorn,

> <...> I wanted to know if we could expect live Booleans or other live operations (such as live filleting live chamfering) in Moi 3D?

I'm not sure - at some point I want to work on a deeper history mechanism that could do this type of thing but I'm not sure when that will happen. Probably not in the near term.

> He (Nick Kallen) creates a cylinder and then tweaks the top circle and the shape gets instant updated.

If you want to create a tweakable cylinder you can do that currentlly in MoI by drawing 2 circles and then doing a Loft between them. MoI's current history mechanism will update the shape as you tweak either the top or bottom circle with that set up.

But in general MoI is based more on the concept that if you want a particular shape you should construct what you want directly and not draw in some other different shape initially and then mutate it.

So if you want to make a shape that is a cone with different top and bottom radius values, then just construct a cone with different top and bottom radius circles instead of creating a cylinder first.

You can either create 2 circles and loft between them or draw in a sloped line in side profile and use revolve.

> 2- I wonder if this feature could be achieve by sweep method as a default I mean for example
> when a user creates a cylinder in Moi 3D using "Draw Solids" menu, Moi creates a cylinder
> using a base circle and then sweep it all the way up to the point user wants, so, when
> the user tweaks either circles or even at the ends the shape gets updated)
> What are your thoughts Michael? Could we expect such features in Moi?

You can already do it in MoI right now, draw 2 circles and loft and tweak the circles and the loft will update.

> I mean I think when we draw cylinder using "Draw Solids" menu the cylinder is created using
> extrude method (I think) . Could you change it to sweep method then tweaking it would be
> easier per say ?

Well the draw cylinder command is what you use when you want to make a cylinder. If you don't want to make a cylinder then don't use that command, use loft or revolve either of which allows for adjusting the input curves and having the shape update.

- Michael
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.356 In reply to 10114.355 
Hi Michael,

Thank you for your reply :)

I got it :-)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hi Michael,

Is it possible to draw freeform lines on the surface of objects? in perspective/orthographic views?

For example imagine there is a Sphere in the perspective view and one chooses the freeform sketch and draws the desired sketch on the surface of the sphere.

I don't know if it is asked before or if Moi already has this ability.

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