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 From:  Viewbyte
10114.322 In reply to 10114.319 
Thanks for that script. I'll look into this and report back - maybe in a separate thread.

Many thanks.
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 From:  Zooen
I would find it appreciable, when we are in the 3D view and we use the "view controls" to be able, for example with the "shift" key, to block the rotation horizontally or vertically and even to block the movement horizontally or vertically. Currently, as the tool is very sensitive, we can go on an incline.

In fact, I would like to have, for example, an object in front view, right or top, in the 3D view. And make it turn on itself without it going in another direction.
There may already be a possibility that I haven't found.

- Zooen

EDITED: 20 Dec 2021 by ZOOEN

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
10114.324 In reply to 10114.323 
Zooen - Are you thinking something like the AutoRotate2 script here?


Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.325 In reply to 10114.323 
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.326 In reply to 10114.320 
Hi G, I added some comments on your other OBJ Import thread at:

> I'd love a bit more control in the show hide option. Its a touch annoying that
> if I hide all curves but then hide and subsequesntly reveal a surface it brings
> back the curves as well. If there was a touch more granluarity in the reveal
> opotion it would be grand.

There are a few different ways you can do this currentlly. One is using the Scene Browser, you can hide/show different categories of objects using the "Types" section of the scene browser.

Another way is to use the "Show subset" function. That is triggered by holding down the Ctrl key when you click on the Edit > Hide button. That will give you a display of the hidden objects and let you pick just one or some of them to show instead of showing all.

Another way to get granular show/hide is to assign your objects to a style an use the "Styles" section of the scene browser to show/hide just those objects, or assign a name to it and use the "Objects" section of the scene browser to target just objects assigned to that name.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.327 In reply to 10114.321 
Hi pafurijaz,

> I wanted to know if in the next version a visual control method for the curvature of the
> surfaces, of the zebra or gaussian type, could be included.

Sorry probably not too likely in the next version, that's a very advanced type of surface analysis function.

That type of detailed surface analysis is better done in a program like Rhino that is focused on detailed surface modeling and not so much in MoI which is focused on being streamlined, quick, and easy to use.

> to edit the surfaces with the control vertices in real time

Currently MoI is not very focused on editing of surface control points. You would be better served doing this type of task in Rhino rather than in MoI.

> here on wiki seem that can be also implemented via CSS Html, and I wonder if that is possible with moi3D script
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS

Sorry I don't understand this part, what is the connection between CSS and Gaussian curvature?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.328 In reply to 10114.321 
<< Zebra...

You have the free Polycad! ;) The go-between the 2 programs is IGES

EDITED: 20 Dec 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  bemfarmer
As far as I can tell, zebra-stripe in CSS refers to a table with alternate colored lines, not surface curvature :-)
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 From:  pafurijaz
10114.330 In reply to 10114.328 
with Polycad, you cannot import trimmed surfaces, and the problem is being able to modify the control vertices directly in Moi, with PolyCAD you cannot do it, and I also have other programs that do this all in all well, with Blender I can import Nurbs surfaces but I can't export them.
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 From:  pafurijaz
10114.331 In reply to 10114.327 
Sorry Michael, but I meant the Zebra stripes ca be implemented via CSS and thought this because I saw many command are with JavaScript and html -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_striping_(computer_graphics)

I'm sorry to hear it's something complicated, there are a lot of software that have implemented this kind of zebra stripes visualization, and from Wikipedia it seemed like something someone like you could have done simply, Gaussian curvature also seems like there's a lot didactic material. 
I don't use Rhino because I don't use Windows, otherwise I would have renewed my license


here some screenshot of opensource software with this kind of analysis of surfaces
Thanks anyway I will find other way to do that.

Just to complete my request the zebra stripes could be implemented as a reflection map in Moi3D's lighting system


EDITED: 20 Dec 2021 by PAFURIJAZ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.332 In reply to 10114.330 
Have you an example of a "trimmed surface" ? (from Moi)
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 From:  pafurijaz
10114.333 In reply to 10114.332 
Here is the demonstration that it does not support trimmed surfaces, I have tried many times and it does not support any trimmed surfaces.

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 From:  Zooen
10114.334 In reply to 10114.324 
Thanks Ed, this script will be very useful to me. Thanks Pilou for the translation.
The little extra would have been to be able to automatically put the object in a perfectly vertical position from the front, or perfectly horizontal from above, in the 3D view, before launching "AutoRotate2" or in the script itself.

EDITED: 21 Dec 2021 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10114.335 In reply to 10114.333 
Sorry i am not sure to understand the problem of the trimmed surfaces ? :(
Have you the Moi file ?

In fact i see what do you speak about! :)
I will explore because as you can see there is the trimming curve on the hull!
So must find the trick inside this labyrintical prog :D

Small advance but...:)
Seems it doesn't like intersections of surface!
It's a pity because all is done...

Seems a very powerful program but with an no ergonomic and fluid Interface! :)
And some tenebrous functions to blend between them! :)

EDITED: 22 Dec 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hi Michael,

I have a question; is it possible to control the pointiness of a generated mesh using the sweep command?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.337 In reply to 10114.336 
Hi Psygorn,

> I have a question; is it possible to control the pointiness of a generated mesh using the sweep command?

Well if you use the "Pointy ends" option in Sweep it will transition from a profile curve to a point at the tip. You can get some control over how long the pointy part will be by putting in additional profile curves.

If you want to control the "side profile" of the point you might be better off generating a straight pointy object using Revolve and then apply it to the curved path using Transform > Deform > Flow rather than using the Sweep command.

If you need more help I may need some kind of sketch or example of what you're trying to do.

- Michael
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.338 In reply to 10114.337 
Hello Dear Michael,

This is not a V5 wish however, I thought I have to post it here!

Why I cannot Extrude to point the red curves into the green point?

When I try to Extrude the red profile toward the green point it goes on a direction which is not my desired direction.

The final mesh's singularity point is a bit offset.

I hope I described the problem well.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.339 In reply to 10114.338 
Hi Psygorn,

> This is not a V5 wish however, I thought I have to post it here!

It would be good to start a separate topic for it if it is not related to this thread's subject.

> Why I cannot Extrude to point the red curves into the green point?

You can, there is an "Unlock direction" option you can click if you want to freely place the point somewhere not on the initial default tracking line:

Your point though is on a different z level than the curve, you probably need to position it at the right level before extruding to it.

- Michael

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Message 10114.340 deleted 28 Dec 2021 by BEMFARMER

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
10114.341 In reply to 10114.339 
Thank you Michael,

it is funny but I did not even see the "Unlock Direction" button!

Thank you for guiding me.
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