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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
I'd chip in for a slightly easier to use Shortcut Key system...For instance I've been using the CPlane function more and more, but have to dig to find out how to add manually...I think even a drop-down list of some of the commands after you've selected a key combination would be useful? Adding scripts I get but the process is a bit cumbersome for some things for sure (PS what is the shortcut command haha!)

- Rich
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Hello to All,

I'd like to see some way to numerically adjust the position of an item.
Is that already an existing feature and I'm missing it? (We have it for an object's size.)
At minimum, maybe the ability to do so for point objects.

Plausible, Logical ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.277 In reply to 10114.276 
Hi Mindset,

> I'd like to see some way to numerically adjust the position of an item.

You can do this currently with the Transform > Move command.

Select the object you want to reposition, then run the Transform > Move command. At the first prompt to pick the base point, pick the point on the object that you want to position numerically. You can click the "Bounding box center" button if you want to position that spot of the object.

Then on the last prompt to pick the target point you can type in the x,y,z coordinates for where you want it to go.

- Michael
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Thank you Michael for your previous response; spot-on as always.

This is a proposed enhancement for the Scale 2D command.
The situation was such that the target object set needed to be adjusted to match the size of a relative item, which was disposed at some vertical distance. I picked two points on the target set, but when I pick the second reference point from the relative item, the resulting scaling factor seemingly vectored the vertical distance, making it difficult to match the two sets with respect to the 2D (horizontal) plane.

Should this command form offer an option to ignore non-coplanar coordinates?

Many thanks,

PS … I realize now that the first reference point (on the target) was also not coplanar with the base point.
Perhaps all input points should be 2D for this command... ?

EDITED: 26 Aug 2021 by IGNITER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.279 In reply to 10114.278 
Hi Mindset,

> Suggestions?
> Should this command form offer an option to ignore non-coplanar coordinates?

It should work like that currently if you are picking the points in an ortho viewport like the Top/Front/Right views.

Could you post a .3dm file with the objects you were trying to scale?

- Michael
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
10114.280 In reply to 10114.279 
I generally think of myself as a reasonable adult, but in this instance I feel like a complete dolt.

Sorry to have taken your time Michael.
As always, you are super helpful.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.281 In reply to 10114.280 
Hi Mindset, no problem! :) And if you still can't get it to work as you need please let me know.

Also I do want to add an option for projecting points when picking in the 3D viewport as well. But right now if you go to a 2D view that will do it when you pick in there.

- Michael
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 From:  teng1
Hi, I would really like to see a baseline "utility" lighting implementation with shadows, not so much for presentation, I found it a really helpful modeling tool to see how the form is working under various lighting, i thought Sketchup did a decent job of this. This is example how i was using sketchup light to arrange the scene to paint over later https://www.artstation.com/artwork/q4dWy
In MOI i would be using this to track the form more than cast shadow in an interior but hopefully it gets the idea across.

Thank you!

EDITED: 2 Sep 2021 by TENG1

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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
10114.283 In reply to 10114.275 
*What is the shortcut script for the CPlane tool? I feel like this sort of thing could be a bit easier...

- Rich
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.284 In reply to 10114.283 
Hi Rich, use this for a shortcut for setting the CPlane:

script: moi.view.setCPlaneInteractive();

For resetting it use this:

script: moi.view.resetCPlane();

> I feel like this sort of thing could be a bit easier...

Yes, definitely it could be improved. It hasn't been prioritized because it's the kind of thing that you don't go into very often.

I did get the part of setting up the key improved a lot in MoI v4 so that you press the key combo you want instead of typing in the text description of it.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
10114.285 In reply to 10114.284 
Great thanks Michael....Yeah I think it's not a nightmare pasting in the script or anything, but it would be great to have the script info logged somewhere, not for all commands obviously but at least the first port of call UI buttons? Even a text file would do probably!

- Rich
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.286 In reply to 10114.285 
HI Rich, there's an attempt at that in the help file Shortcut Keys section:

I happened to miss CPlane there though, I've made a note to update it next pass through docs.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
10114.287 In reply to 10114.286 
Great...Would it be as simple as next to the 'Add' 'Delete' buttons on the shortcut interface there's a hyperlink to that reference or something? Too messy? I guess the thing is - the jump between being inside the program / finding your way to that info?
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 From:  Mark (MARKG)

Is there any chance to see this stereographic projection implemented as an option in a future release?


I think it would be terrific at giving more realistic proportional feedback while designing in MoI. I was sad that this "hack" wasn't workable with the Macintosh version of V.3...

Mark G.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.289 In reply to 10114.288 
Hi Mark,

> Is there any chance to see this stereographic projection implemented as an option in a future release?

It's only been very rarely discussed or requested so sorry it's not too likely to be an area that I'll be able to dedicate time to working on.

- Michael
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 From:  3image
Support of the .webp format.
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 From:  pafurijaz
10114.291 In reply to 10114.290 
3dm and Rhinoceros files support groups and blocks this would be a really great feature if implemented in the next Moi3D release
Maybe that was already asked by others but is hard read everything in this long list.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.292 In reply to 10114.291 
Hi pafurijaz, both groups and blocks are poorly implemented in Rhino with a lot of problem areas. So even when these are implemented in MoI it's pretty likely that they will be custom implemented for MoI and won't be stored in the .3dm file's regular structure.

With groups the problem is that it's just a kind of tag assigned to objects and groups aren't structured in a parent/child relationship.

With blocks the problem is it's a clone of an antique AutoCAD system that has weird rules about how layers work in combination with the blocks.

It might be that I can shoehorn MoI instances into a compatible system with blocks, I'm not sure about that yet. I'm pretty far along with groups though and I'm pretty sure that groups will not be stored as .3dm groups though since there isn't any way to represent a parent/child nesting with them.

- Michael
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 From:  pafurijaz
10114.293 In reply to 10114.292 
Hi Micheal, thanks for the clarification, I know well how the Blocks for Autocad work, in reality it is very simple, the Autocad blocks have the characteristic that all the objects or lines on layer 0 can receive the characteristics of the layer where they are inserted and all the other levels can be customized with unique colors and properties of the block, however I hope that we can also introduce only a hierarchical level tree with sub-levels that include others already this would be fantastic, even groups could be a valid solution. 
I hope this can be evaluated for the next update because when you have over 2000 objects, it is useful to organize the elements as assemblies such as staircases or other with different colors and materials.


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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
10114.294 In reply to 10114.292 
Tears of joy over here reading this Micheal, tears of joy I can't wait to see how you implement it
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