Hi pafurijaz,
> With Autocad you can set an infinity of commands with combinations of strings or a single character
> and confirm with the space bar or enter, confirmation should be given after typing the abbreviated
> command, this way you can create shortcuts commands easier to type and remember, would that
> be something that can be evaluated in the next version?
Well that makes sense for AutoCAD because its program UI is based on a command-line type in interface.
So basically your request is asking whether MoI can completely alter its program UI to be based on a totally different concept, I'm sorry the answer is no that isn't something that I'm considering doing for the next version.
The command line based interface is not at all friendly for users without a lot of computer experience. One of the unique aspects of MoI is that it is approachable to people in this category and that's not something I want to lose.
If you want though, you can create your own command aliases pretty easily right now. If you want to make a command alias to have a command named "bd" that runs BooleanDifference, create a text file named bd.js and put it in your commands folder. Put this inside it:
moi.command.execCommand( 'BooleanDifference' );
You will now have a command named "bd" which when run will launch the BooleanDifference command. To use it type Tab, then bd and then Enter.
You can create any number of aliases right now using this method.
But one thing which is likely to happen in the nearer term for keyboard input is to extend the keyboard shortcuts to allow multiple separate keys in sequence like type b and then d, no tab or enter at the end.
- Michael