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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.25 In reply to 10114.24 
Hi immortalx, there is a concept of "Active style" in MoI, it's the one that has the ring around its color swatch, right-click on a swatch to set it:

- Michael

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 From:  immortalx
10114.26 In reply to 10114.25 
I know about that Michael! In fact that's what I used to programmatically set the active layer I was talking about. The thing is that MoI doesn't have the concept of completely hiding a specific style. I mean if you hide objects that have the orange style for example, and then generate a new object with that style, the last object would be visible. It doesn't align with the concept of a layer where everything in a layer can only be hidden or not.
Take for example Photoshop, where you're not allowed to draw on a hidden layer. That's what I attempted to do with scripting, but this thing was a show-stopper.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.27 In reply to 10114.26 
Hi immortalx, yes MoI's styles are specifically designed to behave like that instead of how traditional layers behave. That's why I avoided using the term "Layer" there.

The big problem with traditional layers where the layer itself has its own on/off property is that it greatly restricts flexibility. You can no longer show just an individual object you have to show the layer and all other objects on it then get shown too.

That's a big limitation that I didn't want to repeat with MoI. In MoI it's individual objects that have a hide/show state, not the Style/Layer itself. The Scene browser lets you manipulate a set of objects with one scene browser item but you can use different types of sets in combination with each other, like "hide all curves" (Types section), "Show just the object named X" (Objects section), in addition to Show objects with Style=Red (Styles section). You can't do that with traditional layers.

> I mean if you hide objects that have the orange style for example, and then
> generate a new object with that style, the last object would be visible.

MoI back in version 2 used to emulate layer behavior a little more closely and would hide an object assigned to a style (by swatch click) where all of the other objects there are currently hidden. That changed in v3 to not do that anymore, I don't remember the specifics of why right now I'll have to review it.

... actually now that I have looked into it, that appears to be a bug that crept in when the selection dot was added in v3, not an intentional change. I'll see about restoring that behavior in v5.

- Michael
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 From:  immortalx
10114.28 In reply to 10114.27 
Thanks for the reply Michael.

"The big problem with traditional layers where the layer itself has its own on/off property is that it greatly restricts flexibility. You can no longer show just an individual object you have to show the layer and all other objects on it then get shown too."

This has already been solved in most applications using nested layers.
In Blender for example the equivalent of layers are collections. You can have a collection with multiple objects, that you can individually show/hide, or show/hide the entire collection. Moreover, you can show/hide a single object's sub-geometry. And of course you can move objects between collections, or have multiple collections nested under another collection.
As you see, it adds tremendous flexibility for organization/selection/viewing, not to mention that it's the industry standard way for complex applications, and one that most people are familiar with.

All of that could work in conjunction with MoI's "types" concept, but with respect to the "active" layer. I'm not saying it's straightforward or easy to implement, but I'm sure that if you give it some thought it could turn out to be a very powerful feature.

Anyways, it's just a suggestion. Keep up the good work!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.29 In reply to 10114.28 
Hi immortalx, nested layers are helpful in other ways but they still don't give as much flexibility. You can't do "Show all curves" regardless of layers with nested layers for example. They also require more complexity to set up, it's much simpler if you want to deal with one particular object to be able to tag it with a name and be able to target that name regardless of layer assignment or layer structure as well.

For more complex cases where you're planning things out a lot the nesting is definitely useful though and I do plan on adding in some hierarchy into MoI's scene browser interface as well.

But I wanted to be quite careful to not repeat the problems with traditional layers.

The flexibility of MoI's system extends outside of the scene browser as well because simple Edit > Hide co-exists well with this system. Like for example, you can use Ctrl + Edit > Hide to do a "Show subset", that allows you to select any object to make visible, again regardless of what layer it is on and not having side effects of other objects showing because they were on the same layer.

It's overall a much more flexible system. Once hierarchy is introduced that should help with some other more complex cases. The focus for MoI has been to make simple things work well first before worrying too much about complicated things.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.30 In reply to 10114.28 
I can show you a "sneak peek" here of something I've got working for v5 which are additional sub-type options in the "Types" section of the scene browser:

This is only possible because of not going down the limited path of traditional layers where the layer owns the control of visibility.

- Michael

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 From:  immortalx
Thanks for the sneak-peek, that's pretty awesome!

Well I don't want to be stubborn regarding the layers thing :p It's just a personal opinion that it's a better paradigm that it's widely used. Also I explained above why there are no side effects from showing/hiding an object. It can reside in it's own layer and together with other objects have it nested in a higher in hierarchy layer. Thus you could hide/unhide it without affecting other objects.
Anyways, the new thing you've been working on seems like it adds some great functionality!

Here's a screenshot of the thing I've been working on. Ignore the gazillion buttons in the browser pane, they were there for development :p


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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.32 In reply to 10114.31 
Hi immortalx,

> Also I explained above why there are no side effects from showing/hiding an object. It can reside in it's
> own layer and together with other objects have it nested in a higher in hierarchy layer. Thus you
> could hide/unhide it without affecting other objects.

That puts an undue burden on the user to have to set up hierarchy just for the simple case of being able to hide/show one individual object.

It's better for the system to allow show/hide of an individual object without affecting others without any extra setup required.

- Michael
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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10114.33 In reply to 10114.31 
Good grief, you want Michael to get MoI to display on a VT52?! ;-}

Didn't look quite right for the VT52 though & then I noticed you're apparently working on a VT05. Days long gone by...

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 From:  immortalx
@Michael, OK let's agree to disagree then :) Because I can't believe that Photoshop, Blender, Modo and many others have done it wrong.

@Larry Haha, glad you noticed! It's such a beautiful machine. They knew how to design desirable equipment back then. I have this crazy idea of building this case with fiberglass and fitting modern components inside XD
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 From:  BurrMan
10114.35 In reply to 10114.30 
"""""I can show you a "sneak peek" here of something I've got working for v5 which are additional sub-type options in the "Types" section of the scene browser:"""""""""""""""""

Sweet!!! Can't wait..... ( Or can I ??? )
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 From:  PaQ

- I have no idea how to do it right, but a way to combine elements together (solid / surface / curves) so they behave as a single object for selection / xform in the viewport would be an nice addition to tackle larger project. I often boolean union solids together because it's easier to manipulate, not because I need them to be merged into a single solid. Those containers could be a first stage for instancing or .3dm file referencing ?

- A 'simple' raytrace mode where you can get shadows, occlusion (and maybe some advanced transparency / reflection material) would a nice addition to validate designs ... (I don't want to loose the sexy wireframe display in that mode of course)

- wish I could win more fights with the fillet command :)

EDITED: 26 Jan 2021 by PAQ

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 From:  Phiro
10114.37 In reply to 10114.36 
Hi PaQ

- I have no idea how to do it right, but a way to combine elements together (solid / surface / curves) so they behave as a single object for selection / xform in the viewport would be an nice addition to tackle larger project. I often boolean union solids together because it's easier to manipulate, not because I need them to be merged into a single solid. Those containers could be a first stage for instancing or .3dm file referencing ?

You can, right now, select objects (solid, cuves...) and give them the same name.
So with the scene browser, you can select them with one click, then you can transform them.
Naming objects is a good way to work on big projects.

another possibility is to give the same style to your group of objects. With the scene browser, you can select them with one click too.
As you can define styles with names and look defined by you, you are free with your choices.

You can combine those two possibilities to have a two levels selection tool for your groups.

Two levels is not enough for some peoples and projects but this is good for many.

Perhaps a third level would be possible if Michael adds a new attribute (called group perhaps), but I think having a tree of objects (or groups) with no limit levels is really more complex to do.
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 From:  mkdm
Hello Michael!

Here I'm back again with the same request that I've made long long time ago, when V4 was first announced ;)

For V5 (or I hope in the next builds of the current V4) I have this request:


That's will be a HUGE leap forward!

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 From:  PaQ
10114.39 In reply to 10114.37 
Hi Phiro,

I'm aware of the naming / layer selection feature, but it's quite different than a grouping (or combiner) system that "lock" a collection of objects into a single item ... and behave as a single object in the viewport when it comes to selection and manipulation.
If I build a restaurant scene, with 20 tables, I don't want to manually duplicate and rename table01, table02 so I can easily re-select them individually later using a scene browsing tree . I would rather combine the table elements into a group, and duplicate (instance ?) and transform that 'table' group.

Maybe it's out of the scope of MoI and scene assembly should be done in an other software. I'm fine with that too.
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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
I believe line attributes (patterns, weights) have been discussed before, but that is an area that I would appreciate native support for (vs. a script solution).

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 From:  Viewbyte
I'd just like to add my voice to those calling for a better 'organisational / grouping / layering system'. Yes, I'm deliberately being rather vague with the terms there : ) Given it's now 64 bit status MOI is much more capable of managing larger datasets - and those bigger models and assemblies require more powerful organisation tools. As a relatively new user, but a long time 3D generalist, I feel 'object management' is one of the areas I'd really like to see improved.
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 From:  twofoot
Texture mapping like Solidworks and Rhino have.
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hello all, I hope you are doing fine :-)

Is it possible to select similar lines, surfaces, etc. in Moi3D? If not I would like to make a wish for it!

Making Moi3D to be able to select similar features such as similar lines, faces, etc.

For example if you take a look at below picture you would see that I had selected similar edges so, I could apply fillet on them! Is there a way to select similar edges, surfaces, etc in Moi3D? If not I would like to make a wish for it! :-)

EDITED: 29 Jan 2021 by DRILLBIT

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 From:  Michael Gibson
10114.44 In reply to 10114.43 
Hi Psygorn, to insert an image use:

<img src="https://url_to_image_here">

- Michael
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