Hi Rich, re: #2 import groups, I'm not sure if that will be feasible because Rhino's grouping mechanism is kind of limited. The way it works is group membership is more like a tag on an object and there isn't any parent/child relationship set up between groups. It's fairly different from how groups normally work in 2D vector type programs.
So because it's limited I'm probably not going to try and just adopt the same system in MoI, I think it's going to be important to be able to have parent/child hierarchy betwen groups. So it may be difficult for them to go back and forth between MoI and Rhino.
The same thing might apply to blocks as well, Rhino adopted the Autocad block system and it has some really weird interaction with layers. It's also probably not going to be something that would be good to just exactly replicate in MoI.
> (actually, this may be crazy, but is there a way to use the current obj importer
> to just import obj's at 0 subdivisions?)
Sorry, no it doesn't work very well to represent object in CAD/NURBS with a large number of individual planar facets. The way CAD geometry is structured there is some more overhead for each face compared to a poly modeling program because of how there can be an "underlying surface" with trim curves on it marking different areas as active or as holes. it doesn't work very well to have a high face count like you can in a poly modeling program.
There is a separate OBJ import plug-in that Max Smirnov wrote that does that though, you can find it on his file archive here, look for ImportObj:
Generally i don't recommend trying to do that kind of import though, MoI is not designed to work with polygon models for modeling. Trying to simulate a poly model by having a large number of trimmed NURBS surfaces usually does not work very well.
- Michael